A cylindrical pressure vessel and a process for the increase of the strength of a cylindrical pressure vessel of the type with a multi-layer jacketYAMAUCHI,TAKESHI
aThe air pressure vessels shall be of the cylindrical, vertical standing type. The air pressure vessel shall be mounted on a structural steel base. 气压船将是圆柱形,垂直的存版。 气压船在一个结构钢基地将登上。[translate]
In this paper, the flame evolution and pressure dynamics of hydrogen-nitrogen-air explosions with nitrogen addition ratio (χ) ranging from 0 to 40 %, ignited at three different positions (“central”, “back” or “front” with respect to the vent) in a vented cylindrical vessel, were expe...
Figure 6 Stress and strain components in cylindrical coordinates 基于图6所示的柱坐标系,靶板单元在各个方向上的塑性功可表示为: Wii=σiiεpiiVWij=σijγijVWii=σiiεpiiVWij=σijγijV 式中:下标ijij为柱坐标系的坐标轴方向,WijWij为柱坐标系rθzrθz下的塑性功分量,σσ和εpεp分别为应力和塑...
antenna selection antenna tuning unit antenna turning motor antenna beam antenna cylindrical antennaconnection antennacurtain antennaria antennacandelabra antennainverted-v antennella citrina ha antennenleistung f antennophoroidea antenor anterior capsulotomy anterior cerebral art anterior cervical tri anterior com...
The model of the industrial ladle is a cylindrical vessel made of stainless steel with an inner diameter of 600 mm. The bottom of the vessel is not straight but slightly concave as shown in Figure 2. The side wall is equipped with electric heaters and thermal isolation to control the temper...
angle back-pressure valve 背压角阀 angle check valve 直角型单向阀 angle of valve seat 阀座角 angle stop valve 角形断流阀 angle valve 角阀 angular radiator valve 角形散热器阀 annular plate valve 环形阀 annular ring valve 环形阀 annular valve 环形阀; 环状阀 ...
Energy depositions generate scintillation light and ionization electrons whose signals, denoted as S1 and S2, respectively, are measured with light sensors covering the top and bottom faces of the cylindrical detector. The dual signal readout enables energy and position reconstruction, as well as ...
Gill, S. S., "The Limit Pressure for a Flush Cylindrical Nozzle in a Spherical Pressure Vessel", Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol. 6, 1964, pp. 105-115.G ill S S.The lim it pressure for a flush cylindrical nozzlein a spherical pressure vessel. International Journal ofM echan ical Sc ie...
To habituate the mice to handling and experimental conditions, each mouse was head-fixed onto the imaging stage with its body restrained in a cylindrical cover, reducing struggling and substantial body movements60,65. The habituation procedure was repeated for 3 days for each mouse at durations of...