Answer to: Calculate the mass of silver deposited when a current of 3 A is passed through a solution of a silver salt for 7 min. By signing up,...
A current of 5 ampere is passing through a metallic wire of cross-sect... 02:26 Six resistance each of value r=5 Omega are connected between points A,... 05:15 Charge passing through a conductor of cross-section area A=0.3 m^(2) i... 02:25 Charge passing through a conductor of...
D1100Ωand 3//117H Submit Submit When100voltdcis applied across a coil, a current of1ampflows through it, when100Vac of50Hzis applied to the same coil, only 0.5 amp flows. Calculate the resistance and inductance of the coil. View Solution ...
alternatie names of z alternating attention alternating copolymer alternating electroma alternatingcurrentcon alternatingfixedandam alternation gate alternation of cause alternation of hosts alternationofbeds alternative conceptio alternative costs alternative flows alternative frequency alternative metaphor alternative mo...
amount of subsidy amount of unbalance amount overpaid amountdex amountofinformation amountused amoured cable amoxicillin sodium amoy junk amp amplifier ampanihy mg ampawa ampd-acrylatesdiaceto ampelmaenn ampelmannchen ampelopsis tomentosa ampeniinanawerenko ampere hypothesis ampere beam current ampere bridge...
Sea windsthatblowinlandfromthewestarewarmedbyacurrentofwarmwater that flowsthroughthePacificOcean. 从太平洋来的温暖的洋流使得从西吹过内陆的海风变得温暖。 7. Thecoulombisthendefinedasthechargetransportedinonesecondbyacurrentofoneampere. ...
Answer to: What is the resistance of a resistor if the potential difference across the resistor is 4.0 V when a current of 10.0 A flows through the...
Meteosource Weather API— global weather API for current and forecasted weather data. Forecasts are based on a machine learning combination of more weather models to achieve better accuracy. The free plan comes with 400 calls per day. –It turns any website into data such as meta...
3. Resistance Ohm’s Law V = I x R (Volts = Current x Resistance). The Ohm (Ω) is a unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals. Ohm's law, named after its discoverer ...
alternating clock alternating current a alternating current g alternating direction alternating motion alternating velocity alternating voltage alternating-voltage d alternatingfixedandgr alternation brazier a alternation carrier alternative basic alternative chart of alternative developme alternative flows ext alternat...