Using movable silicon probes, we recorded the firing of 2,417 LH neurons while mice were engaging in F, S or E in a free-choice model (Fig.1aand Extended Data Fig.1a,b). As reported previously1,17, individual LH neurons increased or, less often, decreased their firing rate during epis...
一杯思绪(A Cup of Thoughts) Group link Seguir 38 Seguidores DestaquesListasExplorarInformações 着力于遗珠游戏、独立游戏、复古游戏、平台游戏。类型不定,范围限于自己游玩过的游戏,评测依据过往经验与体验。另外该鉴赏家目前只是个人在做的兴趣项目,更新不定,但质量绝...
Furthermore, cysteine mutants spanning the three domains of Cry1A toxins were detected within the membrane of BBMVs from M. sexta, supporting insertion of the whole Cry toxin molecule into the membrane (Nair and Dean, 2008). More recently and based on the topology of Cry1Aa inserted in ...
A cup of tea? 来源:央视新闻 又一个欧洲大国领导人访华了。 1月31日,英国首相特雷莎·梅开始对中国进行为期3天的访问,这是她就任首相之后的首次访华。 “梅姨”此次访华,双方有望在贸易交往、服务合作、人文交流等方面达成多项协议,以促进中英关系“...
Aquaculture has emerged as one of the world’s fastest-growing food industries in recent years, helping food security and boosting global economic status. The indiscriminate disposal of untreated or improperly managed waste and effluents from different sources including production plants, food processing ...
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Berezikov E, van Tetering G, Verheul M, van de Belt J, van Laake L, Vos J, Verloop R, van de Wetering M, Guryev V, Takada S, van Zonneveld AJ, Mano H, Plasterk R, Cuppen E (2006) Many novel mammalian microRNA candidates identified by extensive cloning and RAKE analysis. Genome...
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