这薄暮之中的相遇有点像陀思妥耶夫斯基一篇小说里的情节。假如她把这小姑娘带回家会怎么样呢?假如她真的做一件她总是在书里读到或在舞台上看到的那些事,结果会怎样呢?那一定很刺激。事后她会对自己那些诧异的朋友说:“我就这样把她带回了家。”她走上前,对身边那个人影说:“跟我回家喝茶吧。” 姑娘惊讶...
A Cup of Tea Katherine Mansfield was one of the most famous shortstorywriters in the world. In her stories, she always uses indirect ways to reflect the reality in the society. She likes to emphasis the theme by describing a certain person, an event or a scene. In many of her stories...
我的 请问谁有凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的小说 一杯茶 A CUP OF TEA 中文版 15 我来答 1个回答 #热议# 该不该让孩子很早学习人情世故?史晨瑶 2013-09-23 知道答主 回答量:3 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:3213 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 ...
《一杯茶》(A Cup of Tea)是一篇不足三千个词汇的短篇小说,情节非常简单,但语言凝练而优美,而且精致的语言下面蕴含着深刻的主题,让读者读后如品清茶,回味无穷。一《一杯茶》描述的是一个情节简单的故事, 女主人公罗 斯玛丽· 费尔是一位富家太太, 虽称不上特别漂亮, 但衣着讲究、时尚。 她看的书都是最新...
awhat you like a cup of tea 什么您喜欢一杯茶 [translate] aProcess control ensures that the plant assets continuously operate predictably within the most profitable range, leading to a greater output of consistent products, reliability, yield and quality using less energy (Benson, 1997). 程序...
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Reading a children's language of globalization in the fairy tale, a sad s 翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 The holiday, the wide band has provided the space for me which studies, I may carry cup of green tea, sits in front of the computer, the thin fine goods read a notebook...