Impulsively, Aya shares her contact information with this hottie that she internally dubs “oni-san,” big brother (a common phrase used to describe approachable men.) As it clear from the title, it turns out that this boy that Aya is crushing on is actually her classmate Mitsuki. Mitsuki ...
The soulc crushing dog eat dog world of transportation and logistics where I worked as a backend developer and lead mobile developer. Not only did it made me hate and despise native android development, but it also made me despise the human race as a whole. Watching a motherfucker letting ...
Foggy’s persona is amiable, sure, and he’s painted as a surprisingly competent lawyer. But he’s never really given much to do. He follows Karen around, gets drunk, whines about money/what they left behind at their soul-crushing corporate jobs/Matt being blind but bagging hot chicks, ...
The kids are back in Tokyo, which means it’s time for Rika’s new shirt, Beelzemon’s new wings, a goth lolita deus ex machina, and the inevitable, soul-crushing return of Ryo. Play (2:07:50) • Download (64.6 MB) • Comments • Aug 28, 2016 We’re back for another fee...