This study aims to determine whether the patient has the metabolic syndrome FEV1 percent predicted and FVC percent predicted lower than the normal population. The study design is a cross-sectional study. Subjects were patients with metabolic syndrome and without metabolic syndrome who meet the ...
2.1. Study Design and Settings The research was a descriptive, analytical cross-sectional study that used a pre-tested, validated questionnaire that was electronically distributed to a sample of community pharmacies in Jordan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected over three months (from...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan sikap dalam menangani nyeri haid pada remaja putri. Desain penelitian ini adalah desain asosiatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini, yaitu, siswi kelas X di Ghama D'Leader School Kota Depok yang ...
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik cross-sectional dengan mengumpulkan data rekam medis pasien yang didiagnosis nonpneumonia ISPA, observasi perawatan kesehatan rawat jalan, dan wawancara. Data dikumpulkan pada 16 April–20 May 2018 dari puskesmas di Kota Bogor. Sampel adalah 359 ...
This study analyzes the antibiotic prescription for URTI patients, factors influencing the rationale of antibiotic prescriptions, and the rational use of medicine (RUM) program management at Primary Health Centers at Bogor city. The research was analytic descriptive cross-sectional study by collecting ...
Methods: This research used analytic cross-sectional study design. A total of 24 samples are gathered using consecutive sampling method, who then are divided into three group. Inclusion criteria: orthopaedic surgery using tourniquet, and the use of cefazolin as prophylaxis antibiotic. Exclusion ...