A Course in Metric Geometry 作者: Dmitri Burago / Yuri Burago / Sergei Ivanov 出版社: American Mathematical Society出版年: 2001-7页数: 417定价: USD 53.00装帧: Hardcover丛书: Graduate Studies in MathematicsISBN: 9780821821299豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 ...
当当书之源外文图书在线销售正版《预订 A Course in Metric Geometry [ISBN:9780821821299]》。最新《预订 A Course in Metric Geometry [ISBN:9780821821299]》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《预订 A Course in Metric Geometry [ISBN:9
摘要: Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models, imparts a real feeling for Euclidean and non-Euclidean (in particular, hyperbolic) geometry. Intended as a rigorous first course, the book introduces and develops the various axioms slowly, and then, in a departure from other关键词: Geometry ...
Geometry: A Metric Approach with Models, imparts a real feeling for Euclidean and non-Euclidean (in particular, hyperbolic) geometry. Intended as a rigorous first course, the book introduces and develops the various axioms slowly, and then, in a departure from other texts, continually illustrates...
In this paper, we study the geometry of an A-metric space of Subba Rao [15], by introducing the concepts of metric betweenness and its properties t(1), t(2), B-linearity and D-linearity. It is proved that there do not exist equilateral triangles in any A -metric space (A, A, d...
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Spatial analysis and geometrygo-geom - Go library to handle geometries. gogeo - Spherical geometry in Go.Data Analysis / Data Visualizationdataframe-go - Dataframes for machine-learning and statistics (similar to pandas). gota - Dataframes. gonum/mat - A linear algebra package for Go. gonum...
RecastNavmeshModifier components now have a "Geometry Source" field, so that you can choose manually if you want to use a mesh or a collider when voxelizing it. RecastNavmeshModifier components now have a "Include In Scan" field, which allows you to choose if the object should be filtered...
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