First serialized on January 29, 2020, Miki Yoshikawa's (Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches) A Couple of Cuckoos rom-com manga is officially three years old now. So to help commemorate the occasion, fellow mangaka Aka Akasaka, best known for creating Kaguya-...
FeaturingApothecary Diaries, Re:Zero, Digimon, Natsume's, Blue Exorcist, A Couple of Cuckoos,& more!― One of the rare times many Japanese will pull an all-nighter is New Year's, if only to catch a glimpse of the first light of the new year. And after bathing in the first light, ...
Drawn & Quarterly has published the original manga asKitaroin English, and gave thisdescriptionfor it: “Meet Kitaro. He’s just like any other boy, except for a few small differences: he only has one eye, his hair is an antenna that senses paranormal activity, his geta sandals are jet-...