A completeness theorem for open maps - Joyal, Moerdijk - 1994 () Citation Context ...nctors [4]; the 2-category is rich in constructions which can be summarised as those we expect from a model of classical linear logic [32, 3]; open maps are closed under a wide range of ...
Finally, we take the first steps towards a unified theorem of soundness and completeness that can be introduced and point out that our methodology, and especially the S-notation of semantics, could be useful in building its proof. 展开
【书籍】Computers And Intractability, A Guide To The Theory Of Np Completeness #豆瓣 这本书的重点是教导读者如何识别、处理和理解 NP 完全问题的本质;本书涵盖了诸如如何证明给定问题是NP完全问题以及如何处理 NP 完全问题等主题。此外,本书还包含了一个包含300多个问题的列表,其中大多数已知是 NP 完全问题,...
In this paper, we obtain a unique common fixed-point theorem for two self mappings satisfying a generalizedψ−ϕcontractive condition in partial metric spaces. Our result generalizes and improves a theorem of Altun et al.[12] and some known theorems in partial metric spaces. First, we reca...
maps C\left( \left[ 0,1\right] ,\mathbb {R}\right) into itself. Since the interval \left[ 0,1\right] as well as \mathbb {R}, with the Euclidean distances, are complete metrically convex metric spaces, in view of Theorem 1, we have either [Math Processing Error] with 0\le L<...
respect to quantum entanglement. Just as even classically correlated systems can manifest quantum discord, so too even divisible maps can manifest this weaker form of memory. We clarify this point later below. Results Temporal self-similarity
In view of this theorem, we shall define the special form of shadowing for chain transitive continuous self-maps of compact Hausdorff spaces. Definition 1.4 We say that a chain transitive continuous map f:X→X has the D-shadowing property (abbrev. DSP) if one of the equivalent three properti...
Efficiency and Completeness of the Set of Support Strategy in Theorem Proving Wos, L.; Robinson, G.; and Carson, D. F. 1965. Efficiency and Completeness of the Set of Support Strategy in Theorem Proving. Journal of the ... L Wos,GA Robinson,DF Carson - 《Journal of the Acm》 被引量...
(2020) derived an expression for the equivalent to ∂V/∂fθ1z,V in their study. This expression was independent on the method used to extract the explicit surface, i.e., Marching Cubes. It is shown by the first equality in Eq. (5) and a proof is given in Theorem 2 by (Rem...
Theorem 1 (Probabilistic completeness of improved P_RRT*) For any feasible path planning problem {Qinit, Qobs, Qend}, as the number of iterations increases, the probability of finding a feasible path is close to 1, that is, $$ \begin{aligned} & \lim \nolimits_{{n \to 8}} {\math...