Stableisotopes CentralItaly Penultimatedeglaciation LastInterglacial RelativelyfewradiometricallydatedrecordsareavailableforthecentralMediterraneanspanningthemarine oxygenisotopestage6–5(MIS6–5)transitionandthefirstpartoftheLastInterglacial.Twoflowstonecores fromTanacheUrlaCave(TCU,centralItaly),constrainedby19U/...
b) the careful comparison of rock strata. c) accurate measurements of rare earth deposits.We know something about dietary shifts in our hominin ancestors based on: A) carbon-14 radioactive isotopes B) oxygen-18 stable isotopes C) carbon-13 stable isot...
Isotopes popularly known to have been used in the study of photosynthesis are: a) P15 and C32 b) C11 and P15 c) C14 and O18 d) C16 and N15 Isotopes Isotopes differ from the original atom by the number of neutrons and having t...
A technique for the study of (p,n) reactions with unstable isotopes at energies relevant to astrophysicsPhysics - Instrumentation and DetectorsWe have developed and tested an experimental technique for the measurement of low-energy (p,n) reactions in inverse kinematics relevant to nuclear astrophysics...
Black and grey boxes indicate the stable and unstable isotopes known before 2010, respectively Full size image The extended neutron-rich Z= 55–92 region is connected by technology. These nuclei can be populated by fragmentation, fission, multi-nucleon transfer (deep-inelastic, neutron-transfer etc...
2. Influence of ETBE properties on subsurface behaviour 3. Aerobic biodegradation of ETBE 4. Aerobic biodegradation of ETBE in environmental samples 5. Anaerobic biodegradation of ETBE in soil and groundwater 6. Conclusions and research needs Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgements Appendix A....
2. Thus, the use of Batch-Normalization resulted in an unstable convergence process, but it did not impede the models from achieving fair performance results, so long as training was halted at a point of low validation loss. Fig. 3: Comparison between the validation loss progression of models...
(usoskin et al. 2016b ), is based on a comparison of statistics of the active-day fraction (adf) in the sunspot (group) records of an observer with that of the reference data-set (the rgo record of sunspot groups for the period 1900–1976). by comparing them, the observational ...
The stable nitrogen (N) isotopes of major NOx (δ15N-NOx) emission sources have been measured since the 1950s (Junk and Svec, 1958). With the development of science and technology, the nitrogen and oxygen isotopes of nitrate (δ15N-NO3− and δ18O-NO3−) have become one of the ...
and proton stripping ones. Only in the case where the most neutron-rich stable isotope is used, the proton pick-up and neutron stripping channels develop, and for the very neutron-rich (unstable) projectiles these channels become dominant [38]. This path, relevant for the population of ...