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This week, Trump (via Musk) issued to all 2.3 million federal workers an offer to quit and get 8 months pay or face possibility of being furloughed without pay or fired. This, too, is aimed at getting rid of the professional civil service and installing people more loyal to Trump than t...
” would be popular among lads on college campuses. Despite its technical advancement (it could do 100 mph) and beautiful lines, it would prove to be Auburn’s final production model. (Wikipedia)
Wikipedia Related to Lunda:Lunds Lun•da (lo̅o̅n′dä, lo͝on′-) adj.,n.,pl.-das,(esp. collectively)-da.adj. 1.of or denoting any of a succession of kingdoms formed in the S Congo River basin in the 17th and 18th centuries, or the dynasties ruling these kingdoms. ...
Australian Youth Policy and Action Coalition Australian Youth Research Centre Australian Zionist Youth Council Australian-American Educational Foundation Australian-Antarctic Basin Australian-Antarctic Rise Australian-Anti Bases Campaign Coalition Australian-Asian Institute of Civil Leadership ...
“gig economy”, where instead of a single, full-time, lifetime-long job, people engage in multiple activities. It’s certainly what I have been doing for the last few years; consulting on open source, serving on the boards of a variety of civil society organisations, arranging and ...
(Pinterest/Wikipedia) * * * More From Our Advertisers The Matson-Oceanic Line offered a “millionaire’s idea of a vacation” at an affordable price, and offered this sumptuous image as proof… …E.B. White wasn’t crazy about the smokeless dazzle of the Rainbow Room, but it proved to...
The Hebrew verb “giach” primarily conveys the action of bursting forth or breaking out. It is often used in contexts that describea sudden or forceful emergence, such as the breaking forth of water or the birth of a child.The term can also imply a sense of vigor or intensity in the ...
Image via Wikipedia UPDATE: Ah, it’s spring again, and that means it’s time for theGreat PlainsTheatreConference in Omaha, where many established and emerging playwrights and other theater professionals from the far corners of the U.S. gather their collected energies for the theater arts. As...
UN Civil Society Database [Meta] UPJOHN for Labor Employment Research [Meta] Universities Worldwide [Meta] Uppsala Conflict Data Program [Meta] World Bank Open Data [Meta] World Inequality Database - The World Inequality Database ( aims to provide open [...] [Meta] WorldPop projec...