A modern-day take on the classic story of Cinderella, the plot involves a lost cell phone, rather than the traditional glass slipper. Directed by Mark Rosman, the film also includes Jennifer Coolidge, Dan Byrd, Regina King, Julie Gonzalo and Lin Shaye. The movie features the song "Now You...
A Cinderella Story: Directed by Mark Rosman. With Hilary Duff, Jennifer Coolidge, Chad Michael Murray, Dan Byrd. Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau
Browse MoviesBrowse TV ShowsBrowse Actors & Directors Watch what you love with Roku Roku devices give you access to endless entertainment featuring your favorite shows, movies, actors, and more on popular channels. Get a Roku player or Roku TV and you’re ready to stream instantly....
<p>Meet high school student Sam (Hilary Duff), who scrubs floors at a diner, copes with her wicked stepmother and stepsisters, and all the while dreams of Princ</p>
“A Cinderella Story,” and I am pretty much 100 percent sure that you would. So I offer the following advice. Urgently counsel your mom and sister to forget about going out to the movies this week, and instead mark the calendar for Aug. 24, when “Ella Enchanted” will be released ...