This was posted on the Facebook page for my near neighbours MacKinnon Brother’s Brewing who explained how their farm and brewery operation took the gold cup… or the blue ribbon… or red the sticker: First place in the Malt Barley category at the Ottawa Valley farm show! The farming side...
The best line was near the end: “If you have any other choice, don’t write.” What he means (of course… or rather I hope!) is don’t write for money but this isn’t news.* Still… write. Writing a free, joyful and easy experience of expression. Scribble, jot, draft, forget...
But with US craft beer it is apparently considered – on the near highest authority –to be very good. A rice v. corn debate then broke out. It was exciting. Me, I was caught up in the moment and noted that “138 years of a massively popular rice-based beer and its cultural place...