Even though you will benefit greatly as a parent, it won’t be at your kids’ expense. With this approach, your child can wind up being happier, more loving, have a higher self-esteem and feel less guilty and anxious. Best of all, you can have more fun together and resign, most of...
So, if your child is going to school, be cautious about it since your decision may influence the whole life of your child.(695 words)New WordsPhrases and ExpressionsNotes1. This text is slightly adapted.2. neighborhood school: 原意为附近地区的学校或为邻近地区服务的学校,如可以说neighborhood ...
He treats his child as the apple in the eye. 他把他的孩子当成掌上明珠。 Samuel Johnson regarded a dictionary as a watch. 塞缪尔•约翰逊把词典看成钟表。 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.( Wood ) 莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。 You can 1iken your eye to a camera. ( Neal ) 你可以把...
Lydia herself had been “poor little thing,” but Grandpapa and her aunts and uncle had all told her that it was her mother who must be thought of now, and she knew that they kept on saying to one another that “the child will be a comfort to poor Mary.” Her own individuality, ...
Teaching your child to re-purpose their pain empowers them with a sense of control. When someone is hurtful, they can feel their pain first and then categorize it as a reminder to never make anyone feel that way. This builds kindness, strength, and empathy.This helps a child learn to st...
I’m ashamed of expressing strong emotions such as sadness or anger. I rarely get mad, but when I do, I become rageful. I have sex when I don’t want to. I’m ashamed of my bodily functions (e.g., pee, poo). I spend too much time looking at pornography. ...
Dr. Anna Hielm-Bjorkman told The Times of London, “Dog foods on sale are described as providing a complete diet... But what we show is that variety is important. Nobody would give 12 years of the same food to a child—why should a dog be different?”1. According to the new stud...
WhenIwasachild,Iwantedsomeonelikemyfather.Myfatheris teacher,andhehastaughtmealot.mytenthbirthday,heaskedme,“Whatwillyou dowhenyougrowup?”Ianswered,“Beateacherlikeyou!”Hearingthis,myfather wasveryhappyandsaidtome,“Tryyourbestyourdreamwillcometrue.” ...
For the last 4 months or so I was feeling pretty exhausted and was struggling. Cleo is, as you know, an incredibly strong kid. So strong that I rarely see her on the losing end of a toy struggle, even with older kids. She is both physically and willfully strong. I admire this in ...
If a child loves graphic novels or comic books, whatever it is that is turning them on to read and turning on their imagination.W: 4) I feel that children’s tastes in books change as they reach adolescence. I know that mine certainly did when I was a teenager. What do you think?