Only 14 participants (8.4%) reported a prior history of chancre while the majority (10, 71.4%) reported a single genital lesion. In nine participants (64.3%) the chancre had occurred in the past year. Only 3 (1.8%) participants had reported painless rashes on the palms or soles and ...
chancre represents the first clinical sign of infection, and therefore monitoring chancre development provides a metric of vaccine efficacy. Lesions were monitored daily for diameter, induration, ulceration and presence of viableT. pallidum. By day 14, lesions were present on all animals; however,...
hard a t . -.t h e , b a s e -and is ulcerated About ten days after the appearance of the ulcer (or chancre) the boy notices that the. glands of the groms begin to swell, but a s there is little or no pain attached he still pays no attention to all this. After three, ...