111 groups Join A Cappella groups Related Topics: Barbershop Quartet Women's Chorus Vocal Harmony, A Capella, Shape Note Music Sweet Adelines Performing, Shows, Carol Singing Vocal Training Singing for Beginners Hindi Singing Choir People Who Love to Sing with Piano ...
Hire an a cappella group Near You for your event today. 77 of the most professional acts to choose from.
A Cappella Groups Give It TheirAll Making yourway along a busy sidewalk crowded with shoppers and street performers, you hearthe faint sound of a band playing nearby. You finally reach the music’s source,only to discover there are no instruments in sight. In fact, standing beforeyou is an...
There is a ton of collegiate a cappella groups out there, so when group of adults come out with a unique a cappella sound, I am always impressed, Street Corner Symphony comes out of Nashville, Tennessee and has a more mature sound than collegiate groups. They have background in gospel, ...
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This fall, we performed alongside all 5 of the other MSU a cappella groups at the annual Acapalooza event! This year, Ladies First hosted us at the Hannah Community Center in East Lansing. Check out our sethere! Capital Green Goes to ICCA Semifinals in Milwaukee, WI ...
The TEMPEtations are one of two competing coed a cappella groups at ASU, accompanied by theDevil Clefs. The Devil Clefs, much like the TEMPTEtations, revolves around building a foundation for members to define their college experience and innovate their musical talents. Both groups voiced their ...
Impromptu is an 8 member contemporary a cappella group based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. Founded in May of 2017, several members met at Ball State University or were good friends who wanted to come together, hang out and make music. Their unique sound is the result of a tight and soulful...
Since that time, Glad has alternated recording as a band and as an a cappella group with increasing success, which is particularly in evidence when we hear new groups which have obviously been influenced by this important group. Plus, as a band, they must be considered one of the pioneers ...
A cappella singing, or vocal music without any instrumental accompaniment, has a long tradition in the sacred world, starting with the Hebrews and continuing today. Examples of secular a cappella groups include Renaissance madrigals, songs for four or five voices about everyday pleasures, and vocal...