Liqui Filter GmbH 过滤布 6110010,filtervlies P 100-710mm * 250m Kytola SR-60-BH51 22 PULSES/1 GOSSEN U389A DELTA GES-N3K 220V UPS 3KW H120924042418 LEROY-SOMER 1523003 LS112M-PCP 4kw 8.2A,1445rpm S130826049536 C10/00410PR3GD Bar PKN-2/0-050-C088-07 PN100 阀 DSA18/53C9KS I130...
audio file compressio audio filter audioformer audio frequency audio frequency af audio frequency agent audio frequency aigui audio frequency ampli audio frequency ampli audio frequency ampli audio frequency band audio frequency beat audio frequency cable audio frequency casse audio frequency chang audiofreq...
a tropical island a truck for both mixi a trumpeters lullabye a tumultuous noise of a turbo c program whi a tv programme about a twisted fairtytale a ual cheap sale a ular granuloma a ulus scraper a umed load a unique sales model a unit for printing p a university bridge l a variety...
batdiff() { git diff --name-only --relative --diff-filter=d|xargs bat --diff } If you prefer to use this as a separate tool, check outbatdiffinbat-extras. If you are looking for more support for git and diff operations, check outdelta. ...
cuckoo-filter - Cuckoo filter: a comprehensive cuckoo filter, which is configurable and space optimized compared with other implements, and all features mentioned in original paper are available. cuckoofilter - Cuckoo filter: a good alternative to a counting bloom filter implemented in Go. ring - ...
LocalDownFilterSts 本地Down滤斗状态。 RemoteDownFilterSts 远端Down滤斗状态。display elabel from firmware 命令功能 display elabel from firmware命令用来从固件中读取生产制造信息。 命令格式 对于NetEngine 8000 M6、NetEngine 8000 M6K、NetEngine 8000 M1AM1C系列、NetEngine 8000 M1D、NetEngine 8000 M1D-B: ...
In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the CERN Large Hadron Collider announced the observation of a Higgs boson at a mass of around 125 gigaelectronvolts. Ten years later, and with the data corresponding to the production of a 30-times lar
1 and 2. First, we performed tissue segmentation to filter background regions. Following HIPT, we ran the Otsu55 image thresholding at a downsampled resolution (for example, 1,024 pixels) for its computational efficiency and effectiveness in differentiating tissues from the background. Second, we...
660-690 V, 50/60 HZ AC DRIVE/POWER/MOTOR MODULE CHASSIS UNIT DESIGNS H AND J PP 36 D; straight; 42 Vmotor; central adaptor GZ-2; 8.00 m 连接器 Switchcraft 760BK norelem附件07300-12 LP145G-30-B10-07(ex. LP37P30N030) Viledon Cartridge filter HOHNER HN068E12_J17 B64G-NNK-...
antennamatchingunit antenna monopulse see antenna motor aerial antenna motoraerial m antenna mounting antenna n antenna omni-directio antenna pattern analy antenna pickup antenna platform antennapolarization antenna position indi antennapositioning antenna positioning d antennapowergain antenna radiation antennara...