This drink is crisp and tangy, with a fresh, clean flavor, most expertly used in a classic daiquiri. El Dorado three-year $$ • Plantation five-star $ gold rum • 14 recipes » Gold rums tend to be a mix of spirit old and new. Slightly more complex than white rums due to ...
I’ll share here (with permission) the first poem, Bruise, in Jordan’s book. I enjoy the revisit to a Jack Kerouac style of riff that permeates the final verse. Bruise by Jordan Pomazon This isn’t a bruise It’s makeup I like to force the dramatics ...
Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from a 12-day-old orangutan with oral ulcers and white necrotic plaques on the tongue and lower gingiva (Hoopes et al., 1978). Initial treatment with a variety of antibiotics and topical medications for the ulcers led to healing of the oral lesions; however,...
and whistlers clear and white skin untann and who can say why y and whole body and wholesale and why ill never kno and whytwo days befor and wild rare birds and will cast them in and william and winter visitors and wise and with a comment and with allies and with oil money and with...
Abuse patients had higher bruise counts than nonabuse patients overall and within each year of age (Table). Patients with fair-toned skin had a higher bruise count (median, 4; IQR, 2-7) than patients with the 4 darker tones (median, 3; IQR, 1-6) (eTable 1 in the Supplement). ...
What it looks like:Often looking like a bruise, this birthmark may be light blue, dark blue, or blue gray. A baby may have one spot or several. Each spot can vary greatly in size. This birthmark occurs in all races. It’s least common in people who have white skin and most common...
In a metal cup, gently muddle the mint into the simple syrup. Add bourbon, and fill ⅔ with crushed ice. Stir to chill, until a frost forms on the outside. Then pack the rest of the cup with ice. Take 2 or 3 mint crowns, lightly bruise them with your fingers, and stick them ...
“I know it’s you,” he started. “We saw the light in the sky together. Here. Last year. You saw it, remember? There was a white rectangle light with blue and green smaller lights around it…” I remembered. “Please,” he said. “Tell me you remember. . .It disappeared so ...
I bashed my arm on a rock, and have a nice little bruise to prove it. The final mile of the 8 mile hike was one of the hardest, as the last chunk of hike is actually uphill, back to the trailhead. I was tired and emotionally drained, but pushed through. I took this near the...
Walk through Japan’s energetic urban heart and see a vibrant, creative culture that bounced back from war and natural disaster.