出版年:2017-9-26 页数:88 定价:GBP 12.95 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780262037112 豆瓣评分 8.9 35人评价 5星 42.9% 4星 48.6% 3星 8.6% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 喜欢读"A Brief History of Feminism"的人也喜欢· ··· 女性与...
Deborah Cameron Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019 Deborah Cameron's compact monograph on...Wight, KiCanadian Woman StudiesCanadian Woman Studies
This spontaneous reaction was slightly embarrassing, because I am, among other things, the author of a short introduction to feminism which is quite insistent on not being too prescriptive about the meaning of the word. For as long as feminism has existed there have been different/competing defin...
ABriefIntroductiontoFeminism Thetermfeminismcanbeusedtodescribeapolitical,culturaloreconomicmovementaimedatestablishingequalrightsandlegalprotectionforwomen.Itisalsoamovementthatadvocatesgenderequalityforwomenandcampaignsforwomen’srightsandinterests.Thefirstfeministwavewasinthenineteenthandearlytwentiethcenturies,whichrefers...
For the very first time, this chapter offers a translocal and transnational history of a crucial but hitherto neglected part of Italian feminisms: the national branch of the Women’s Health Movement, which consisted of a multitude of small collectives an
281 p. From Farm to Table The Science of Milk and Dairy Products 210 p. Advances in Dielectric Elastomer Composites A Nonlinear Elasticity Framework 561 p. Oxford Case Histories Palliative Medicine 491 p. Future Skills in Human Resource Management und Corporate Learning Neue Perspektiven durc...
1.1Abriefintroductiontothewriter’S literary achievements andtneworK 1』■ o CharlottePerkins Gilman(1860-1935)was aneminent author critic,theorist as wellasoneofthemostinfluentialfeministinthefirstwaveoffeministmovemenL Her reputationtoday rests
Amateur Pornography (AP) is a new phenomenon that emerged a few decades ago and is distinctly different from Professional Pornography (PP). Yet, academic l
According to A Brief Introduction to Critical Theory, “Feminism embodies a way of reading that investigates the text’s investment in or reaction to the patriarchal power structures that have dominated Western culture” (227). Patriarchal power has oppressed women economically, socially, and ...
In this paper, we propose understanding global feminism as a global wave as a way to develop some insight into these processes. We elaborate this concept and give a brief overview of the development of the global feminist wave, showing the ways that transnational networks serve as mechanisms ...