必应词典为您提供A-Brief-History-of-the-World的释义,网络释义: 世界简史;世界简史下载;
In A Brief History of the World, you'll survey the expanse of human development and civilization across the globe. Over the course of 36 riveting lectures, you'll apprehend "the big picture" of world history from the invention of agriculture in the Neolithic era to the urbanized, technologica...
出版社: 石油工业出版社 ISBN:9787518323746 版次:1 商品编码:12332336 包装:平装 丛书名: 看得见的世界史 外文名称:A brief history of the world 开本:32开 出版时间:2018-03-01 用纸:胶版纸 页数:743 套装数量:3 正文语种:中文世界简史(套装上中下册)/看得见的世界史 [A brief history of the world] ...
A Brief History of the World Cup 摘要:VIP英语文摘
世界帝国简史:人类变迁中的文明与真相(套装上下册 图文版) [A brief history of the world empire] 作者:成振珂编出版:中国商业出版社 2017.5页数:1173定价:138.00 元ISBN-13:9787504491237ISBN-10:7504491233 去豆瓣看看 想要 拥有 00暂无人评价... 目录内容简介 《世界帝国简史:人类变迁中的文明与真相(套装...
A Brief History of the World, with Especial Reference to Social and Economic Conditions 作者: 1862-1917, Botsford George Willis 出版社: Hardpress Publishing页数: 584ISBN: 9781313919357豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 ...
2506 -- 4:59 App 【TED-Ed-双语字幕】狗狗简史 | A brief history of dogs 632 1 15:54 App 【TED-双语字幕】不可预知的世界里需要哪些人类技能 | The human skills we need in an unpredictable world 202 -- 6:08 App 【TED-双语字幕】来自扑克冠军关于做决定的三个策略 | 3 lessons on decisio...
A Short History of the World(世界简史) 热度: Ways of the World A Brief Global History 热度: A Brief History of Time(时间简史) 热度: 世界电影简史—3(Abriefhistoryofworldcinema3) Abriefhistoryofworldcinema3 AfterWorldWarIIeconomichardship,Leninimplementedthenew ...
世界科技发展简史(Abriefhistoryofworldscienceand technologydevelopment) Abriefhistoryofworldscienceandtechnologydevelopment 100thousandyearsago,theuseoffire,stonetools 30thousandyearsagoontheafterlife,fertilityandother ideas Cropswereplanted10thousandyearsago,animalswere ...
TTC - A Brief History of the World 立即播放 视频列表 默认排列 32:04 27. Formation of Latin American Civilization 上传者:黄超Mays 29:13 28. China and Japan—19th-Century Pressures 上传者:黄超Mays 31:21 29. The 20th–21st Centuries as a New Period 上传者:黄超Mays 33:01 24. The Long...