"The Wholesome Show" A Brief History of Medical Leeches! (Podcast Episode 2021) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Wonder Cupboard is a podcast about the history and philosophy of science, presented by Elena Falco and Ian Bridgeman.
In addition to his writing work, he is the podcast host of Revisionist History. Early Life Malcolm Gladwell was born on September 3, 1963, in Fareham, Hampshire, England to a father who was a mathematics professor, Graham Gladwell, and his mother Joyce Gladwell, a Jamaican psychotherapist. Gl...
We have built a robust collection of contacts, relationships and resources throughout the years of producing this podcast, and we are open to sharing these resources or even passing on the mantle and branding of “Pod de Deux” to a new Producer or team should that be of interest to anyone...
Filed underbaking,Britain,cake,cooking,food,General,history,Nineteenth Century,Recipes,Teatime,Uncategorized Tagged asbaking,food,griddlecakes,history,Jane Grigson,Northumberland,pancakes,recipe,regional cookery,Teatime The eighth season of The British Food History Podcast has begun!
Listen to this podcast: Diversity and Inclusion in the Remote Workplace 6. Diversity and Inclusion Training Employees from all levels must undergo diversity and inclusion training at their workplace. Such activity will educate both employers and employees on how they can best work with people from...
This week sees the welcome return of Ray Harris Jr from the long-running History of WWII Podcast as he joins Martin to examine 2019’s Midway, derided by critics yet loved by audiences. Not for the first time, we side very much with the audience and find ourselves surprised by director ...
History has a funny way of repeating itself, or so they say. But it may come as some surprise to find this old cliché applies just as much tothe history of computersas to wars, revolutions, and kings and queens. For the last three decades, one trend in computing has been loud and ...
Brief report: investigating the motivations and autistic traits of video gamers. J Autism Dev Disord. 2022;52(3):1403-1407. doi:10.1007/s10803-021-04994-x PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 56. Montes G. Children with autism spectrum disorder and screen time: results from a large, ...
openssh guideline - is to help operational teams with the configuration of OpenSSH server and client. SSH Handshake Explained - is a relatively brief description of the SSH handshake. ISC's Knowledgebase - you'll find some general information about BIND 9, ISC DHCP, and Kea DHCP. PacketLife...