喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 作者: 鎌田,大資 摘要: CiNii Articles - Biographical story as a bridge between the history of Manga-expression and the history of Japanese mentality: double shifts in cultural history after WW2 viewed from the standpoint of life-story 年份: 2010 ...
doi:10.1386/eapc.4.2.153_1Iida, SumikoTakeyama, YukiEast Asian Journal of Popular Culture
The first tentacle penetration in Japanese anime appears in Yoshiki Takaya's mecha-horror cartoonGuyver: Out of Control. 1986 Toshio Maeda, who would come to be known to manga fans as the "tentacle master," creates his first, seminal work:Urotsukodoji.It features no tentacle sex. However, ...
The 8-bit console generation wasn’t really suited to simulate the manga andanime's balls-out battle, so Bandai soon hit on a solution: turn them into card games. The vast majority of the Dragon Ball games in the 1980s were RPGs that let you use randomly-drawn cards for attacks and ...
White, Chris Sims and a cast of guests set out to watch one of the greatest superhero stories of the 20th century, trying to figure out just what the Sailor Senshi's powers are, whether Luna should have a British accent, and just what is going on with Mamoru's purple pants. It's a...
This study explored representations of self-injury in Japanese manga (graphic novels). A content analysis of fifteen slice-of-life manga published between
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Boys Love Manga and Beyond: History, Culture, and Community in Japan ed. by Mark McLelland et al. In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: 聽html_title聽 聽/html_title聽 Reviewed by Deborah Shamoon (bio) Boys Love Manga and Beyond: History, Culture, and Community ...