11. A Bridge too farBernd Magnus
西班牙1978年03月05日 原名:A Bridge Too Far 片长:175分钟, 158分钟(剪辑版) 制片国家/地区:美国, 英国 编剧:科尼利厄斯·瑞恩/威廉·戈德曼 导演:理查德·阿滕伯勒 上映日期:1977-06-15 又名:夺桥遗恨, 鹰掠战士, 英雄冢, 遥远的桥 imdb编号:tt0075784 ...
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A Bridge Too Far (expanded) soundtrack CD details and availability. Movie music by composer John Addison. $1 shipping on qualified orders.
A bridge too far 过长的桥梁 Crumbling infrastructure worries civil engineers 逐渐损坏的建筑物引发土木工程行业的担忧 THE first bridges were likely to have been built by early man shoving a fallen tree across a stream. Since then, construction techniques have come on a bit—from wood to stone, ...
amplifiermesfet amplifiertwttraveling amplifyabridge amplio adj amplitud distortion amplitude ue s amplitude analysis amplitude dependent n amplitude factor amplitude frequency r amplitude level diffe amplitude limiters of amplitude limiting ci amplitude of converge amplitude stress cycl amplitude test amplitude ...
Suspension bridges are far and away the target of choice in America’s action blockbusters. In just the past three years, the Golden Gate Bridge has been destroyed by a Kaiju, Godzilla, a Skynet-initiated nuclear blast, and a tsunami. Americans don’t build real bridges anymore, or maintain...
a bridge too far字面上是距离太远的一座桥,用来形容一件事情的困难度。a bridge too far是战争故事中经常使用的用语。因为打仗的军队经常需要占领或者是摧毁具有战略价值的一座桥。a bridge too far就代表这座桥距离太远,要取得控制权,非常困难。 Going to space is a bridge too far for ordinary people. ...
'A bridge too far'这一短语,从字面意思上理解,指的是“一座过远的桥”。然而,在实际语境中,它通常被用来形容某个行动或决策过于冒险,超出了合理的界限,可能导致失败或灾难性的后果。这一短语蕴含了一种警示,提醒人们在追求目标时,应审时度势,避免过度冒险,以免陷入无法挽回的...
a bridge too far 意思是难以实现的目标。A bridge too far这个习语源自二战时期盟军的一次空降作战行动。作战目标是攻取11座具有战略意义的桥梁,打开通路直捣柏林,但是该作战行动在阿纳姆遭到惨败。据说,弗雷德里克·布朗宁中将从一开始就对此作战持怀疑态度,在行动发起之前,他曾经向陆军元帅蒙哥马利说了...