O̍h Tâi Gí Link A Taiwanese (tâi-gí) learning app inspired by moedict & quizlet. Onyx Link The app for Universite Claude Bernard OpenUSOS Link Unofficial USOS app, for students in Poland OpSo Link OpSo provides information about various open-source programs like GSoC, ...
forms.app Generate online forms, surveys, quizzes & more with spot-on questions. ❌ ✅ ✅ Fortune Cookie Select a number from 1 to 10 and let the digital cookie guide your day! ❌ ❌ ❌ Foxit PDF Assistant This plugin converts PDF and Office documents interchangeably, supporting...
God keeps this promise, and by the end of the book, Abraham’s grandson Israel has a family of 12 sons: the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel. This icon shows one star (representing Israel) standing out from the others, just as God chooses Abraham to begin a unique nation. The ...
Quizlet - something like Anki, but online and much more, so it's worth checking it out. Quzizz - A page with quizzes. There are a lot of quizzes created by teachers for their [mostly young] students, so it's a good option to repeat different things for example from the basics ...