The implementation of the National Curriculum Common Core (BNCC) underway in the Brazilian Basic Education system has specific regional characteristics, which depend on political options and management strategies assumed by the various institutions directly or indirectly involved with the proce...
The text is structured in three parts: The importance of Art for omnilateral human development; The discipline of Art at BNCC: The defense of Art teaching and learning in Historical-Critical Pedagogy. The conclusion is that the educational policy to the teaching ...
I n this perspective, the present text makes considerations about the relationship between the arguments that founded the Secondary Occupations, the approval of the High School Reform and the Construction of the BNCC for this stage of Basic Education, and presents the interests ...
HISTRIA E CULTURA INDGENA NA BNCC DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL: análise das concepes e propostas para o ensinodoi:10.15687/rec.v16i3.65994HISTORY educationCULTURAL pluralismCURRICULUMThis article aims to understand the proposal of the National Common Curricular Base (NCCB) for the teac...
O ensino religioso chegou na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC): e agora, professor/a?doi:10.23925/1677-1222.2024vol24i1a20BRAZILRELIGIOUS educationRELIGIOUS diversityTEACHER trainingSEMI-structured interviewsRACISMThis article problematizes the results of the post...
As a consequence, after the BNCC has been approved, other policies are being developed with the aim of directing the Initial and Continuing Teacher Training for Basic Education and Pedagogical Projects of undergraduate courses, whose orientation is to co...
The BNCC's proposals for Elementary Education advocate a civic and humanistic education, and secularism emerges as a fundamental requirement, while for High School, religion is hardly addressed, which does not represent an obstacle for it to be articulated in schoo...