axublogcms1.1.0 Getshell axublogcms1.1.0 Getshell 代码执行漏洞 现在最新版是1.1.0 今天重新审计了下 axublogcms1.0.6 ,发现一处计较鸡肋的漏洞,因为并不是只有1.0.6版本存在,包括最新版本都是存在的。 后台写入配置文件,直接可以Getshell。 下载最新版源码进行安装,详细请看以前写过的文章(http://www.c...
axublog 1.05代码审计 00x1 安装漏洞 install/cmsconfig.php 1functionstep4(){2$root=$_POST["root"];3$dbuser=$_POST["dbuser"];4$dbpsw=$_POST["dbpsw"];5$dbname=$_POST["dbname"];6$tabhead=$_POST["tabhead"];78$ad_user=$_POST["ad_user"];9$ad_psw=$_POST["ad_psw"];1011$...
name: YzmCMS pay_callback 远程命令执行漏洞 author: Superhero severity: high description: |- fofa: app="yzmcms" YzmCMS /pay/index/pay_callback.html接口存在远程命令执行漏洞,未经身份验证的远程攻击者可利用此漏洞执行任意系统指令,写入后门文件,最终可获取服务器权限。 reference: - https://blog.csdn....
import doc/rust_cms.sql to your Mysql, this will create a database named rust_cms. edit conf/application_dev.yaml to change the database link information. now you can execute commandcargo runto run rust_cms build error throw an error when building third part lib Maybe it is because of ...
1、CVE、CMS、中间件漏洞检测利用合集 1. 2、POC&EXP仓库、hvv弹药库、Nday、1day 1. 3、PeiQi-WIKI-POC ...
此次审计的目标是es*cms v6.7版本,这是我第一次独立审计,整体来说代码的安全性还是很高的,我的思路是先用法师的代码审计工具进行自动审计,然后一个一个去跟进,所以此次花的时间比较久。 先分析一下代码审计的思路以及自己遇到的问题吧。整体来说代码安全性很不错,直找到后台的一个文件包含,前台基本没什么漏洞,也...
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I enjoy organizing code and find cascade layers a fantastic way to organize code explicitly as the cascade looks at it. The neat part is, that as much as it helps with “top-level” organization, cascade layers can be nested, which allows us to author more precise styles based on the ca...
Squarespace is an all-in-one content management system, or CMS. With a single subscription, you can make a website, host your content, register your own custom domain name, sell products, track your site’s analytics, and much more. ...
If you ask which of the CMS above is good for maintaining a blog, the answer would be: each of them. Most of experts recommend to start with a WordPress if it is just an informative blog or with Joomla if it’s a commercial one. It is not very easy (but still possible!) to migr...