abecodes/tabout.nvim : tabbing out from parentheses acksld/nvim-anywise-reg.lua : paste a function somewhere else arp242/jumpy.vim : filetype-specific mappings for [[, ]], g[, and g] to jump to the next or previous section chrisbra/improvedft : makes f, t, T, F have the abili...
The emergence of 3D-stacked memory plus logic, the adoption of error correcting codes inside the latest DRAM chips, proliferation of different main memory standards and chips, specialized for different purposes (e.g., graphics, low-power, high bandwidth, low latency), and the necessity of ...
See how fast your stonks will crash. irevenko/octotui - 🐙🐱🖥️ GitHub stats in your terminal dundee/gdu - Fast disk usage analyzer with console interface written in Go dairongpeng/algorithm-note - 数组、链表、树、图、递归、DP、有序表等相关数据结构与算法的讲解及代码实现。 muesli...
The problem of vehicle scheduling is a typical NP-hard problem, which is both multi-constraint and time-sensitive. Ifnvehicles are arriving in the company and ranking, there will ben! ranking orders. Estimating the cost of each ranking would be computationally time-consuming. Due to the simple ...
The amivantamab Fab bound to the MET Sema domain using all CDRs except CDR-H1 (Fig. 4A). The Sema domain had a seven-bladed β-propeller with four antiparallel β-strands per blade. The Fab bound to the outside wall of the propeller via interactions predominantly with the long loops co...
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That means the vacuum pump will be on connection 1 and the nozzle on connection 2, with connection 3 used to release the vacuum. End Stops The total of 6 end stops are optical ones: End Stops The first (not ideal) way to mount the end stops: ...
Other sugarcane breeding programs have been active in Brazil in the past and the codes for identifying varieties developed in those programs are listed in Table 2. Table 2 Main Brazilian sugarcane breeding programs Full size table A typical sugarcane variety development program (Fig. 5) begins ...
IRCCloud supports these :codes:, as per https://blog.irccloud.com/emoji/ [33mcommit 588a2cb5462696e5139bc615c6c3a94a2b1715ce[m Merge: 451fae1 a079f12 Author: Arvid Andersson <arvid.andersson@oktavilla.se> Date: Fri May 30 10:16:42 2014 +0200 ...
A combined experimental and computational study has been performed to investigate the detailed distribution of convective heat transfer coefficients on the first stage blade tip surface for a geometry typical of large power generation turbines (>1OOMW). This paper is concerned with the numerical ...