俞敏洪最新演讲:《A Better You , A Bigger World !》 2018年4月15日,新东方教育科技集团董事长俞敏洪在北京航天航空大学举办的第十届“China Speaks!国际英语大赛(大学组)中国区总决赛”上发表《A Better You , A Bigger World !》精彩演讲,引人深思。以下为演讲全文: 全世界没有一个国家比中国更加封闭,也没...
让我们变成一个更好的自己,拥抱一个更大的世界。这就是 A better you, a bigger world。
新东方历经24年发展,已经历炼出自身独特的文化:从“绝望中寻找希望人生终将辉煌”,到“终身学习、全球视野、独立人格”;从“You are better than you think”到“A Better You, A Bigger World”……不难看出,新东方的教育理念正从过去更多地关注个人的奋斗,向更多地关注个人与世界的关系倾斜。或者说,对新东方人...
六月,又是一年高考到来。说实话,最近几天的朋友圈(空间)是不是被刷屏了? 有人在期待,1h后就要上所谓的战场;有人在怀念,那年…… 高考,总是一个一提及就几多话题的词语。 这篇推文,送给1个小时后要努力的考生。 同时,也送给今天的你。 正文开始前,...
2018年4月15日,第十届China Speaks! 国际英语大赛(大学组)中国区总决赛巅峰对决在北京航空航天大学圆满落幕。新东方教育集团创始人俞敏洪老师作为大赛特邀嘉宾,出席本次大赛,并发表了“A Better You, A Bigger World”的精彩演讲。 以下为演讲完整视频:
[02:30.96]For example, [02:32.28]when we do not take care of small problems, [02:35.36]they can snowball into bigger ones. [02:39.60]Now, let's hear an example [02:41.84]using the verb "snowball." [02:45.04]A: I have a ...
Lamar can be seen sporting a crown of thorns on theMr. Morale & The Big Steppersalbum cover. He has sported the look for multiple performances since the project's release. Dave Free described the striking headgear as, "a godly representation of hood philosophies told from a digestible youthful...
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world through his eyes at home. He followed the ancient teaching that says, “When one’s parents are alive, one must not travel to far places.” For this reason, when his mother was still alive, he mainly travelled the southeast half of the country and would not leave home for too ...