MeteoBlue Weather stats data Worldwide map of rains, storms, fires, heats, winds and others natural phenomenas NGDC Bathymetry map worldwide detailed interactive bathymetry map big collection satellite, drone and ecological maps Geodesics on the Earth finding the shortest path ...
advance server advance ship design p advance to die advance with big stri advanced activity des advanced and master advanced art advanced beginner advanced certificate advanced coating prod advanced communicatio advanced control equi advanced countermeasu advanced creditor eco advanced derivatives advanced en...
Earth’s closest neighbor is holding a secret. In 1999, hints of that secret were revealed in the form of concentrated hydrogen signatures detected in permanently shadowed craters at the lunar poles by NASA’s Lunar Prospector. These readings may be an indication of lunar water and could have ...
421je1_869_Little hands make big waves 521je1_867_This is where the fun begins 621je1_867_One is better than many 721je1_867_Make the ‘impossible’ possible 821je1_867_Bring the chaos 921je1_867_Best seen from far away 1021je1_868_There is no ‘I’ in team ...
The world's largest toothed predator is well studied in the tropics, but close encounters in the high latitudes remain rare. These hardy researchers don‘t just want to find them—they want to dive with them.
If you have ever been to a hacker camp, you’ll know the problem of transporting all your stuff to your hackerspace village, or to wherever you’ll be basing yourself for the duration. The car park is always too far away, whatever trolley you’ve brought along is never big enough, and...
You can request up to three (3) driving or transit route options between two waypoints by using the maxSolutions parameter.url 复制{travelMode}?wayPoint.1={wayPoint1}&viaWaypoint.2={viaWaypoint2}&waypoint.3={waypoint3}&wayPoint.n={waypointN}...
Despite considerable progress in seismology, mineral physics, geodynamics, paleomagnetism, and mathematical geophysics, Earth’s inner core structure and evolution remain enigmatic. One of the most significant issues is its thermal history and the curren
these values are almost equal with latitude at 100.754 km and longitude at 111.320 km. As you approach the poles, the distance associated with a degree of latitude decreases, and fewer points will be excluded for the same tolerance value. For more information about how longitude distances change...
NOW THEN, the hotel. Gotta be big and flashy, right? Can’t be going to Vegas and the big game and staying at a Motel 6. Let’s go with theBellagio. I don’t need a suite but I’d sure like a view of those lovely fountains. The hotel website quotes five nights for a “1 ...