Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge (大杂烩) of environmental claims made by household products according to a “green labeling” study published by Consumers International Friday.
The high numbers show how confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading,” he said.The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as “environmentally friendly” and “non-polluting” cannot be verified. “What we ...
of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, the First Woman to Live by Her Pen (New York the menacing spectre of 'Nature's Cook' waits in the wings, her knives sharpened at the Scott‐Baumann, Cavendish's manipulation of the blazon was inspired in part by her interest indoi:10.1080/...
Nuts are known for theiranti-inflammatory nature, but some are better for you in this regard than others. Consider almonds, which consistently make lists of foods that can help with inflammation. Cashews are another good choice, and walnuts specifically help with rheumatoid arthritis. The great th...
A history hodge-podge Culled from the archives of the Ennis Daily News and from the online database, here’s a smattering of items covering a variety of people and events that figured in the history of the Bluebonnet City.Soaring in triumphSports weren’t integrated in 1931 ...
Better Essays Read More Orwell's Ideas A major theme for both of Orwell’s works is the idea that people, ignorantly, don’t care about what they say or think, and then because they don’t have minds of their own they are easier to manipulate. In Politics and the English language Orw...
Join children’s book author, writer, blogger and podcaster, Alison Paul Klakowicz, on her journey to inspire! By way of guest interviews, book reviews, life as a military spouse living in her home state of North Carolina-- and so much more!
It’s not a horrid thing I guess, but it feels so much better to be moving so quietly through that place that the deer don’t even run from you. +++ +++ And the next day it was time to head back. Goodbye mesa tops. Hopefully in a few years as the tech improves, and there ...
Spring always has me excited for baseball season, and Oklahomans have some great minor league baseball teams for us to enjoy one of America's greatest pastimes! Get our free mobile app Oklahoma City Dodgers When it comes to minor league baseball in Oklahoma, it doesn't get much better than...
of writing by hand. The impact was largest for middle school students, but younger students benefited, too. The theory is that students feel more free to edit their sentences because it’s so easy to delete, add and move text on a computer. The more editing, the better the final essay....