"I want to get a better grasp on Melissa. I want to know how much of a hand she has in things and how good she really is. There are so many avenues to take her and I love having moments with Troian; I want to explore that sisterly relationship further."问On whether Melissa is a...
B.inthemorningC.inaday D.inthebeginning42.A.thepast B.thenightC.theyear D.thenewterm43.A.canbring B.cantakeC.can'tbring D.can*ttake44.A.hot B.cold C.beautifulD.early45.A.well B.better C.bestD.much七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A(词数:约140;建议用时:5分钟)Whatwillthe...
1.I am a doctor. 我是一个医生。 2.I work in a hospital. 我在医院工作。 3.I help other people get better. 我帮助别人变得更好。 4.I give them medicine. 我给他们吃药。 5.I wear a white coat and use a stethoscope. 我穿着白色外套,使用听诊器。 再来读一遍完整的文章: I am a docto...
Better safe than sorry! 24.冷的adj. cold Unit 4双课单词一览表 1.或者conj. or 2.聪明的adj. clever 3.愚蠢的adj. stupid 4.高兴的adj. happy 5.故事n. story 6.有趣的adj. funny 7.愚蠢的adj. studio 8.伤心的.adj. sad Unit 5 Meet the neighbours Unit 5单课单词一览表 1.邻居n. neighb...
*他的哥哥说: “这(是一笔十分有利可图的生意/ditto)1(你最好)2不要(错过)3.”: His brother said: “This is (a highly lucrative transaction/a very profitable transaction)1, and (you better)2 don’t (miss out)3.” 俾: (~) to give to ...
A Better Mistake 成立于 2020 年,是一家总部位于米兰的高端服装和配饰时尚品牌。品牌的愿景以不敬和挑衅为指导,其主要是数字叙事,以一种引人入胜和互动的方式让观众参与其中。ABM认为美来自破坏,这就是为什么品牌标志是碎玻璃的原因。后者表示一件表面上已经失去价值,但隐藏着魅力和创造性意义的物体:从毁灭而来的...
这个呢?一件外套 Thesearegarments. 这些是衣朋 Garmentswereinventedasprotectionagainstthecold. 衣朋被发明用来御寒 Oncepurchased,theymaybeusedindefinitely... 一旦购买♥♥,它们可以无限期使用… ...forthepurposeforwhichtheyareintended. …为了他们的目的 ...
A.wouldbe little better than the fourth level 比第四个层次稍微好一些 B.may be a lot more desirable than the first four 比前面四个层次更让人向往 C.can be the last and most satisfying level 是最后一个层次,也是最让人满意的层次 D.will become ...
Period. It runs small - I am a 34D for reference and purchased a size large. There is enough room for a sweater underneath. I love the look - super chic and although it falls close to my ankles (5'3) it works. I can't wait to wear this and even better that I had this price...