advancedsueveying advancedvocationalpro advancedanalyticalche advancement advancement of basic advances in algebra advances in atmospher advances in complex s advances in earth sci advances in experimen advances in research advances in studies o advances of power sys advancesfromtheworkin advancetriggerangle...
There were 71 studies in this category, which is represented by the letter E2 in the PRISMA model. These studies with insufficient data were those that did not provide enough information to be included in our analysis because they did not provide enough information. These studies found no ...
Kumar et al. [5] have performed an SLR to evaluate usability features in the application of M-Learning. Usability testing is a significant area of the M-Learning application. They found that usability is also an important critical success factor in M-Learning, and that it faces several challe...
One Small Step for Generative AI, One Giant Leap for AGI: A Complete Survey on ChatGPT in AIGC Era. arXiv 2023 paper bib Chaoning Zhang, Chenshuang Zhang, Chenghao Li, Yu Qiao, Sheng Zheng, Sumit Kumar Dam, Mengchun Zhang, Jung Uk Kim, Seong Tae Kim, Jinwoo Choi, Gyeong-Moon Park...
In our column, “Ask the Health Coach,” U.S. News health-coach-writer Stacey Colino addresses what to do if your doctor is downplaying your symptoms or health concerns. Stacey ColinoJan. 21, 2025 Questions to Ask at a Postpartum Checkup ...
Sanjeev Kumar Dash, Ajit Kumar Behera, Satchidananda Dehuri*, and Sung-Bae Cho Radial basis function neural networks: a topical state-of-the-art survey DOI 10.1515/comp-2016-0005 Received October 12, 2014; accepted August 24, 2015 Abstract: Radial basis function networks (RBFNs) have gained ...
Sathish Kumar,Co-founder,Yathes “The three greatest things I learned from 1M/1M are: 1) Focus on a specific, target niche in your market, and go after it with full force 2) It doesn’t matter how large your niche market is because your business can still create value. In fact, th...
Instead, it smacks of board-room intrigue, disrespect to the man who has contributed so much to the franchise, and a lack of basic decency and sporting spirit. However, the break from the burdens of leadership can prove to be a blessing in disguise. Fortunately for us, he remains the ...
Rajesh Kumar Jha1*, Dev Kumar Shah2, Sangharshila Basnet3, Keshab Raj Paudel1, Phoolgen Sah3, Ajit Kumar Sah1 and Kishor Adhikari4 Abstract Background: Facebook, a popular social networking site, has been used by people of different ages and professions ...
Primus1 | Charlotte Whitear1 | Nitin Ajit Kumar1 | Michael Masucci1 | Shanik A. Montalvo Moreira1 | Krishnaraj Rathod1 | Jianmin Chen1 | Kristen Bubb2 | Romain Colas1 Rayomand S. Khambata1 | Jesmond Dalli1 | Amrita Ahluwalia1 | 1William Harvey Research Institute, Barts and The ...