A+B for Input-Output Practice (III) 题目在上懒得搬了 代码# 先看代码吧 我的渣代码: Copy#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { int a,b; while (scanf("%d %d",&a,&b)!=EOF) { if (a!=0 && b!=0) printf("%d\n",a+b); else break; } return 0; } xia84265...
Input contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains a pair of integers a and b, one pair of integers per line. A test case containing 0 0 terminates the input and this test case is not to be processed. Output For each pair of input integers a and b you should output the sum...
题目:1087: A+B for Input-Output Practice (III) 题目描述 Your task is to Calculate a + b. ——翻译(来源百度翻译):你的任务是计算a+b。 输入格式 Input contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains a pair of integers a and b, one pair of integers per line. A test case contain...
Input contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains a pair of integers a and b, one pair of integers per line. A test case containing 0 0 terminates the input and this test case is not to be processed. 输出格式 For each pair of input integers a and b you should output the ...
HDU 1091 A+B for Input-Output Practice (III),#includeintmain(){inta,b;while(scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)!=EOF)if(a+b)printf("%d\n",a+b);return0;}
原题链接:A+B for Input-Output Practice (III)#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; while(cin>>a>>b&&(a!=0||b!=0)) cout<<a+b<<endl; return 0; } 点赞(0) 9.9 分 1 人评分本文分类:题解列表 浏览次数:424 次浏览 发布日期:2022-08-31 10:59:28 本...
calledaleaf if it has exactlyonevertex adjacenttoit. The distance between somepairofvertices...?InputThe firstlinecontainstwointegersnnandkk (3≤n≤1063≤n≤106, 1≤k≤1061≤ 智能推荐 A+B for Input-Output Practice (VII) #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a,b; while(scanf("%d %d...
Your task is to Calculate a + b.InputInput contains an integer N in the first line,and then N lines follow.Each line consists of a pair of integers a and b,separated by a space,one pair of integers per line.OutputFor each pair of input integers a and b you should output the sum ...
A+B for Input-Output Practice (VI) A+B for Input-Output Practice (VII) A+B for Input-Output Practice (VIII) 引子 上次参加了学校的蓝桥杯校队选拔“集训” 第一次“测试”就直接被考傻了,虽然都是我“好像"学过的内容,但我里里外外真的看不出来到底怎么写,太离谱了!
A+B for Input-Output Practice (III) 输入样例: 1 5 10 20 0 0 输出样例: 6 30 由上可知, 有若干组输出数据,题目给定了输入结束条件即输入0 0,输出不变。 于是,我们根据上一题,在while循环条件加上判断条件或在内部加上判断条件即可 完整代码: ...