【英语拼词确认表】“A for Apple,B for ..”相信大家对这个场景很熟悉,一般在电话里或者在生活中需要跟外国人解释一个词的拼法的时候会这么解释。但其实这些字母有一些官方的说法,最早是用于军事用途,让对方可以清晰知道自己表达的意思。按照这个表...
美国人习惯把英文字母A读作Apple,B读作单词boy,C读作cat,D读作dog、E读作道egg 、F 读作face、G读作game、H读作hope、I读作ice、J读作juice、K读作king、L读作land、M读作map、N读作noon O读作open、P读作park、Q读作queen、R读作room、S读作soup、T读作time、U读作unit、V读作va...
A Apple B boy C cat D dog, 一般为了防止读选项的时候产生歧义才这么念啊,常见的就这几个。
A for apple B for ball C for car... 虽然听得懂,但是听起来有点外行。如果要让对方刮目相看的话,可以花几分钟学学标准的 military alphabet 哟!(见图) 如果你下次说 A for Alpha, B for Bravo, C for Charlie 哇~~~ 那个档次就上去了!! Military alphabet 是英文字母的军用代码。早期无线电有时信号...
它在战争时候被北约军队普遍使用,取代了其他当时存在的发音字母表。 一起来感受下吧: 举个例子,你想说自己的邮编是S6 7BT,你就可以说: S six seven B T, Bravo Tango 保准对方秒get,再也不用纠结到底是哪个字母。 觉得实用的...
这是我刚给你想的,这种东西最好用不深的词汇。。A for Apple B for bad C for Cat D for Dog E for Easy F for Failure G for Good H for happy I for Ice J for Jack K for Kate L for Late M for Mother N for Nails O for Open P for Pants Q for Queen R for Rabbit ...
almino acide alminum oxide almiteine almohadas almond coated apple s almond curd almond fried chicken almond juice almond longan almond sicilia almonte almost afraid to look almost all impose almost anxious almost any source almost appearing invi almost dawn your shad almost forgetting to almost honest...
an anti-christian nat an apple wife an approach to marxs an appropriately stri an archetypal grim re an arduous efforts an area two garden an army burning with an army burning with an array sensing circ an art of saying an attachment an attempt frustrated an australian diploma an authentic me...