Marina Massimi. História da Psicologia Brasileira da Época Colonial até 1934 (History of Psychology in Brazil from the Colonial period to 1934). São Paulo: Editora Pedagógica e Universitaria, 1990. xi + 82 pp. (Reviewed by Josef Brožek)...
TIPOS Národná bločková lotéria更新内容 Nové vo verzii podpora IBAN pri vyplatení výhry 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 应用下载排行榜 UC浏览器 110.34MB 查看 淘宝-天猫双11全球狂欢季 73.33MB 查看 QQ 305.43MB 查看 ...
We report a new case of inverted papilloma of the ureter, with an uncommon clinic manifestation as a obstructive uropathy.In spite of the bening nature the inverted papilloma of the urinary tract, it can be multifocal and relapsing and it may be associated with low rate urothelial carcinomas....
The purpose of this study was to investigate adsorption isotherms of removing BPA from aqueous solutions using single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs).Materials and methods: This study was an empirical investigation. Our experiments were conducted discontinuously using 50 mL of sample in each test. ...
atildeo, fruit quality, fertigationThe effects of nitrogen, boron, molybdenum and zinc applied as fertigation, and cattle manure applied to the soil, were evaluated on the yield and quality of melon (Cucumis melo) in two types of soils of the Submedio São Francisco River Valley, Brazil. ...
ria T.Szekeres, Csilla C.KeréS. Karger AGCerebrovascular DiseasesKónya J,Molnár S,Magyar MT,et al.Severity of carotid atheroscle-rosis unrelated to Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in acute ische-mic stroke patients:a clinicopathological study.Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2008...