clavier〔18世纪〕键盘乐器 clef谱号(G clef, F clef, C clef) climax高潮 coda尾声 coloratura soprano花腔女高音 common meter普通拍子(4/4) comparison比照 complex tone复音(composite tone) compound duple meter(s)复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8) compound interval复音程 compound meter(s)复拍子 compound quadru...
如果要打À的话就要把输入法改称法国法语,按住alt同时按7就是为了打那个闭音符`,然后再按你想打的字母就是了,ctrl和a就是为了打大写的A 同样的道理À È ì Ò Ù都打的出来 在强调一下,我说的是法国键盘 ...
Jacques Françoissur l'affiche deTwist again à Moscou. Philippe NoiretetChristian Claviermirent au point un incomparable numéro de duettistes qui est une irrésistible imitation de moi déambulant sinistrement dans les couloirs de l'hôtel ou les lieux de tournage. Je ne pensais pas, avant...
always helpful comments. We discussed interpretations away from the organ as well. He was a deep thinker and liked to talk a lot about himself and life in general. I lived nearby, and he would often ring my doorbell in the evening and ask if I wanted to have coffee or a beer ...
struggling with an underwritten part and a badly fitting accent, has a harder time, as does Mr. Ferrell, who is miscast in the Woody Allen surrogate role of soulful schlemiel” (_The Times, March 18, 2005). I think Scott’s observation is perceptive, as there was a moment when I was...
Starting at the distal end of speech comprehension, the acoustic signal a listener receives during an act of verbal communication might be polluted by other (verbal and/or non-verbal) sounds. A disturbing acoustic environment (Le Prell & Clavier,2017) or inherently ambiguous speech stimuli might ...
clavier (18世纪)键盘乐器 clef 谱号(G clef, F clef, C clef) climax 高潮 coda 尾声 coloratura soprano 花腔女高音 common meter 普通拍子 (4/4) comparison 对比 complex tone 复音 (composite tone) compound duple meter(s) 复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8) compound interval 复音程 compound meter(s) 复...
absolutemusic 纯音乐,非标题音乐 absolutepitch 绝对音高(感官)abstractmusic 抽象化音乐 accent 重音 accidental(s)变音记号 accordion 手风琴 acoustics 声学 action 弦低,即为弦距离指板的高度 adagietto 大柔板(66 拍摄/分钟)adagio 柔板 (56 拍摄/分钟)added-sixthchord 提六度和弦 allegretto 大快板(108 拍摄/...