(et-EE), filippínó (fil-PH), finn (fi-FI), francia (fr-FR), galíciai (gl-ES), grúz (ka-GE), német (), görög (de-DE), héber (he-ILel-GR), hindi (hi-IN), magyar (hu-HU), izlandi (is-IS), ír (ga-IE), olasz (it-IT), japán (ja-JP), javanéz (),...
Nepali blog to festivals, celebration, culture, travel, wishes in English, Hindi, Technology, quotes, Shayari, images, greetings, cards, biography
A global mobility data set of more than 150 countries collected from Google location services can be found at Google.Footnote34It presents reports available in PDF format with a breakdown of countries and regions. The reports include a summary of changes in retail, recreation, supermarket, pharmacy...
Hindi-English social media text:https://github.com/SilentFlame/Named-Entity-Recognition;http://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-2405 EMNLP 2014 Shared Task - Code-Switched Tweets (Nepali-English, Spanish-English, Mandarin-English, Arabic-Arabic dialects):http://emnlp2014.org/workshops/CodeSwitch/call.html...
Hindi-English social media text: https://github.com/SilentFlame/Named-Entity-Recognition ; http://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-2405 EMNLP 2014 Shared Task - Code-Switched Tweets (Nepali-English, Spanish-English, Mandarin-English, Arabic-Arabic dialects): http://emnlp2014.org/workshops/CodeSwitch/cal...
Camelina sativa (camelina) is emerging as an alternative oilseed crop due to its short growing cycle, low input requirements, adaptability to less favorabl
AAss aa wwaatter-receiving area, thee tottaall wwaatteerr ddiissttrriibbuuttioionnoofftthheemmaaininccaannaal loof fththee pprorovvinincceeisis22.9.99944bbilililoionnmm33,, eexxcclluudding the allocated waterr iinn DDaannjjiiaannggkkoouuIIrrrriiggaattioionnDDisistrtricicttaannddththee totota...
A Passage to India, novel by E.M. Forster published in 1924 and considered one of the author’s finest works. The novel examines racism and colonialism as well as a theme Forster developed in many earlier works, namely, the need to maintain both ties to the earth and a cerebral life ...
amreicarbobleiatlo use 1,4-dic1oo,4xm-admnioeuxndainitryee,dcitinlrcyel,cutwdlyih,niwglehvioaletrhiooetuhrsserkmsinmindisenroearflabilziazecettethrheieab,btyyh--epprrreoomdduaucyctstosonofly1f ,1b4,-e4ds-idoomxioaexnaestnbreaioibndsieogtdhraaedtgaartariedonaabtiilnoetnotoCinuOtso2e....
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