导读脂蛋白(a)高至500mg/L的危害有血脂升高、内脏脂肪增加、冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病发病率提高等。含有胆固醇,容易造成血脂升高。会导致肝细胞中胆固醇、脂质等堆积过多,诱发脂肪肝。容易引起冠状动脉粥样硬化,诱发冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病。 ... 脂蛋白(a)高至500mg/L的危害常见的有血脂升高、内脏脂肪增加、冠...
导读脂蛋白a500mg/l是比较严重的。脂蛋白a正常值为小于300mg/L,如果超出正常范围,可能预示着心血管疾病的风险增加。此外,高脂血症还可能导致动脉粥样硬化、脑卒中等心血管疾病,特别是在存在其他心血管疾病危险因素的情况下,如糖尿病、高血压、肥胖等。... 脂蛋白一般指脂蛋白a。脂蛋白a500mg/l是比较严重的。具...
2013;43:83–90. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Musser ED, Willoughby MT, Wright S, Sullivan EL, Stadler DD, Olson BF, et al. Maternal prepregnancy body mass index and offspring attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a quasi-experimental sibling-comparison, population-based ...
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Unlike other target-discovery approaches such as Open Targets43or NewDrugTargets44, our method was designed and validated to search targets for multiple diseases and aging15. Thus, we developed a time machine approach, in which we trained the computational models using data published before a certa...
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(previously used to test and compare a variety of SMLM and SRM algorithms)40,41,42,43, which were subject to FF-SRM analysis10,44. ESI, SRRF or MUSICAL were used to compute a single SRM image (Fig.5a)11,12,13. Supplementary Note9contains an in-depth comparison of sf-MSSR0...
with the continuous time simulations performed by O’Flaherty based on this data (see43, Figs 5 and 6 in the reference). With the unit conversion of mg/m3 = mg/l, the behavior also matches data and simulations by O’Flaherty in subjects exposed to long-term air contamination, as sh...