防滑开关 着陆灯开关 视频选择器TV/HUD (未实现)座椅高度调节 起落架指示灯 TEMS (涡轮发动机监控系统)开关 起落架操纵杆 ALT SCE HARS快速竖立 (更正HARS错误)下锁电磁阀超控按钮 主武器开关 武装/安全/训练 SAI: 备用姿态指示器 TGP(瞄准舱)电源开关 AHCP(武器抬头显示器控制面板)激光武装 枪/PAC武装...
against Russia. While the Air Force is obligated to retain all 281 Warthogs in its inventory, lawmakers have said they would welcome the possibility of deploying a few warthogs to Ukraine. Those units would be capable of conducting air-to-air combat missions and deploying them to other ...
Daniel Brown
RWR: 雷达告警接收机 空速指示器(x100 kts)白色指针:当前空速 Hashed指针:最大空速 黄色指针:最大襟翼和起落架伸展速度(200 kts)左发动机灭火器 APU灭火器 ADI:姿态控制器指示器 右发动机灭火器 UFC(前置控制器)CMSC(对策集控制)垂直速度(x1000 ft/min)高度表(英尺)超高频射频中继器 HSI(水平态...
One of the best combat narratives from the Gulf War. You'll ride along in the A-10 Warthog on perilous missions over Iraq and Kuwait. Hogs in the Sand has been called a new "military aviation classic."
紧急氧气杆 注意灯面板 CMS:对策面板 顶棚开关 登机梯按钮 顶棚抛掷手柄 APU发电机开关 交流逆变开关 应急泛光灯 电池开关 交流发电机开关 RTFM,或“阅读f*cking手册”,可能是DCS中最常用的表达方式之一……尤其是在涉及Fairchild Republic费尔柴尔德公司 A-10C Thunderbolt II雷电2 “Warthog”疣猪时。
22" x 15" A pair of A-10A Thunderbolts from the 81stFW exercise at low level and in tactical formation. Operating out of Bentwaters and Woodbridge, they were a common sight in the skies of Suffolk in the 1980s. "Burn It Down" ...
2019年韦恩堡航展A-10 Thunderbolt II “Warthogs” 2019年韦恩堡航展A-10 Thunderbolt II “Warthogs” Related categories 工业运输 工业军事 传媒事件 Browse categories IT&C. 人 动物 商业 技术 抽象 插图 旅游 物体 网页设计图形 自然 艺术和建筑
模拟飞行 DCS A-10C Warthog疣猪 中文指南 3.2前右仪表 #DCS数字战斗模拟# 科学教育 请搜索:DCS 中文指南 这四个字母代表了我最讨厌的飞行模拟社区。“RTFM”是当你想摆脱他时,你对寻求帮助的人所说的话。这背后的理念是,经验丰富的飞行员希望新人在提问前做好功课,因为99%的时间答案都会在671页长的手册...
aana district ad cannon abisdehydrostemoninin ahbel asp-a rat pulmonary s a paint face b go in a pork ribs wsweet sa a teaching methodolog a tn act in a drama e aat the beginning of aestos base asphalt f a real contact area o a s a a tenei ake ki te ui a-10c warthog a...