The A-10 "Warthog," officially the A-10 Thunderbolt II, has a close air support, anti-tank mission.
The A-10's official name comes from the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt ofWorld War II, a fighter that was particularly effective at close air support. However, the A-10 is more commonly known by its nickname "Warthog" or simply "Hog". As a secondary mission, it provides airborne forward air...
*费尔柴尔德A-10"雷电Ⅱ式"攻击机(英语:Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II,常被美军昵称为疣猪Warthog或简称猪Hog)是美国费尔柴尔德公司生产的一种单座双引擎攻击机,是美国空军现役唯一一种负责提供对地面部队的密接支援任务的机种,包括攻击敌方坦克、武装车辆、重要地面目标等。 *A-10最为人津津乐道的就是...
Crazy videos show the A-10 Warthog doing what it does best — annihilating its targetsDaniel Brown
Chances are good you’ve seen [The Warthog Project]’s fantastically detailed A-10 Thunderbolt II cockpit simulator before;we’ve featured it recently, and videos from the ongoing build pop up regularly in our feeds. The sim addresses the tiniest of details, including the use of special toggl...
近日,一架A-10C“疣猪(Warthog)”攻击机采用了引人注目的黑色和浅灰色涂装。 该机隶属印第安纳州空军国民警卫队第122战斗机联队,采用这个特殊涂装旨在纪念印第安纳州空军国民警卫队成立100周年。这架A-10C的序列号为80-0244,保留了A-10C独特的蛇头涂装,因此绰号为“黑蛇”,而这样的绰号还有其他的含义。本文是美国...
A-10 Thunderbolt II TLPS upgrades keep the warthog viable ByJan Tegler- May 11, 2010 The business end of a U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II over Afghanistan. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon. For the first time in almost 33 years of operational service, the A-...
他就是A-10战斗机,A-10攻击机(英文:A-10,绰号:Thunderbolt II,译文:雷电II,常被美军昵称为疣猪Warthog或简称猪Hog,通称:费尔柴尔德A-10''雷电Ⅱ''攻击机),是美国一型单座双引擎攻击机。A-10攻击机由美国费尔柴尔德公司(Fairchild Republic)研制,虽然集现代高科技于一体的F-16、AH-64等先进飞机抢占了A-...
A-10「疣猪」(Warthog)攻击机最近在叙利亚东部上空现身,随着叙国反政府军推进,对总统阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)政权构成多年来的最大威胁。 网络甚嚣尘上的传言说,这些战机可能用以打击阿萨德的盟军。 《防务新闻》(Defense News)5日报导,一段低空飞越村庄的A-10影片显示,地点似乎位于叙东靠近伊拉克边境,而经《航空...
Airplane Landing A-10 Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Woomera D1A F26 Bell P-59 Airacomet Space Shuttle Fictional Military Aircraft AZR B-17 Flying Fortress Documentaries Spitfire Ace Great Planes: B-57 Canberra Dogfights: Desert Storm Advanced German Weapons Ballistic Missile WARBIRD DVDSAVIATION...