with a 95% confidence interval and p<0.05. The incidence of surgical site infection was 1.8%. Potential surgical wound contamination, clinical conditions, time and type of surgical procedure were statistically associated with infection. Identifying the association between surgical site infection and these...
The influence of a mesoscale convective system (MCS) in the evolution of two wildfires that started during the afternoon of 17 June 2017 in Pedrógão Grande, Central Portugal is discussed and analysed using weather radar data, weather stations, video
简介:地理信息技术范畴的GIS(地理信息系统)、RS(遥感技术)和GPS三者集成应用,构成了整体的、实时的和动态的对地观测、分析和应用的运行系统,提高了GIS的应用效率。 文档关键字: GIS,RS,GPS 级别:| 积分:0分 | 大小:29.00KB | 下载:4117次 ...