The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 99mTc-HYNIC-PSMA-11 vs. 99mTc-MDP were 83.3% vs. 50.0%, 100% vs. 82.1% and 95% vs. 72.5%, respectively. However, when combined with the results of abdominopelvic CT/MRI the sensitivity reached 100% for both and the specificity raised to ...
The aims of this study was to estimate the biokinetics and dosimetry of 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-iPSMA (99mTc-labeled PSMA inhibitor) in eight healthy subjects and evaluate its usefulness as a tumor-imaging agent in eight prostate cancer patients....
MIRD)方法,基于99mTc-HYNICTOC在人体内的分布,利用内照射计算软件 OLINDA/EXM及GE Dosimetry Toolkit计算其在5例没有明显异常浓聚灶的神经内分泌肿瘤患者体内各器官的吸收剂量、全身吸收剂量及全身有效剂量,为临床安全使用99mTc-HYNIC-TOC提供依据。
Comparing the role of 99mTc-HYNIC-PSMA-11 and 99mTc-MDP scintigraphy for the initial staging of intermediate to high-risk prostate cancer Nucl Med Commun (2023) There are more references available in the full text version of this article. ...
For the dosimetry study, 5 PCa patients received whole-body planar scans at 0.5h, 1h, 2h, 4h and 8h afterTc-HYNIC-PSMA injection. The Dosimetry Toolkit (GE, Milwaukee) was used to process the data and segment the organs in the SPECT/CT images, which were then projected onto planar ...
低活性,因此,需要一种新的制剂,以满足该HYNIC‑PSMA的应用。 发明内容 [0006]99m 为解决上述背景技术中所提出的问题,本发明公开了一种锝[Tc]注射液制剂及 99m 其制备方法。尤其优选为用于诊断或治疗前列腺癌和/或其转移灶的锝[Tc]注射液及其 制剂工艺。
99mTc-HYNIC-PEG11-Tetrazine 整体意义:与99mTc-HYNIC-PEG11-Tz相同,只是将四嗪的全称(Tetrazine)用于命名。 我们公司提供该产品的的基础及定制,欢迎咨询WYQ 我们公司相关产品 DBCO-CTT1298 二苯并环辛炔修饰不可逆PSMA抑制剂(CTT1298) DBCO-CTT1403 二苯并环辛炔功能化不可逆PSMA抑制剂(CTT1403) ...
隔日行 99m Tc- 前列腺特异性膜抗原(prostate-specificmembrane antigen,PSMA)SPECT/CT检查。方法如下:静 脉注射约20mCi 99m Tc-PSMA,2h后进行全身平 面显像,显像仪器为DiscoveryNM/CT670(美国GE公司),配低能高分辨平行孔准直器,采集 能峰140keV,窗宽20%,矩阵256×1024,床速 15cm/min,行全身前位和后位...
A modified RNA aptamer with HER2-specific binding was conjugated to hynic and labeled with 99mTc, for potential use as a radiopharmaceutical for diagnostic imaging of ovarian cancer cells (SKOV-3) with high HER2 expression. The aptamer was radiolabeled with 99mTc by using hynic as the chelator an...
Nine cases had negative [99mTc]Tc-HYNIC-PSMA-11 scans, while 21 had positive scans (8 cases with bone, 2 with lung, 4 with lymph node, and 7 with multiple organ metastases). All metastases were detected in both checkpoints, except for one patient, ...