使用其他用户进入数据库, 用select PASSWORD('你要设置的密码'), 然后直接update mysql.user set mysql.user.Password='你PASSWORD( ...
更新BIOS的方法:1、首先在官网上下载最新的BIOS版本,一般是以.exe或者.zip格式存在的;2、将下载的BIOS压缩包解压到U盘中,然后将U盘插入电脑中;3、重启电脑,进入BIOS界面,找到“Tools”选项卡,然后选择“Flash BIOS from Drive”或者“Update BIOS from Drive”这两个选项之一;4、根据画面上的提...
970ADS3P_REV1.0 bios固件更新版F2j 2014/12/29 1.Beta Bios 2.Update CPU AGESA code点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 技术资料分享嵌入式实时操作系统μCOS-II原理及应用-任哲(高清版本)很好的技术资料.zip 2025-03-19 01:09:04 积分:1 ...
主板驱动软件我只认Gigabyte技嘉GA-970A-DS3P主板BIOS,功能强大不说,Gigabyte技嘉GA-970A-DS3P主板BIOSF1软件才2.8MB。 置顶 51网友 17-04-26 09:43:43 好极了,这个Gigabyte技嘉GA-970A-DS3P主板BIOS是我用过最好的主板驱动了 置顶 51网友 17-04-28 04:28:57 妈的,找了好久Gigabyte技嘉GA-970A-DS3P主板...
protects arguably one of your PC's most crucial components, the BIOS. GIGABYTE DualBIOS means that your motherboard has both a 'Main BIOS' and a 'Backup BIOS', protecting users from BIOS failure due to virus, hardware malfunction, improper OC settings or power failure during the update ...
protects arguably one of your PC's most crucial components, the BIOS. GIGABYTE DualBIOS means that your motherboard has both a 'Main BIOS' and a 'Backup BIOS', protecting users from BIOS failure due to virus, hardware malfunction, improper OC settings or power failure during the update ...
protects arguably one of your PC's most crucial components, the BIOS. GIGABYTE DualBIOS means that your motherboard has both a 'Main BIOS' and a 'Backup BIOS', protecting users from BIOS failure due to virus, hardware malfunction, improper OC settings or power failure during the update ...