FEATURES 8-bit dual transmit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 125 MSPS update rate Excellent SFDR to Nyquist @ 5 MHz output: 66 dBc Excellent gain and offset matching: 0.1% Fully independent or single-resistor gain control Dual port or interleaved data On-chip 1.2 V reference Single 5 V ...
Failing to terminate the deceleration stage on the t-axis, even in cases where the slope is negative. Showing a slope for the acceleration stage which is as steep, or steeper, than that for the deceleration stage. Answers: (i) 25 ms-1; (ii) Sketch. Question 3 This question was ...
harvest methods, and storage conditions influence their suitability for different industrial processes has led to cell wall physiological studies in a number of herbaceous feedstocks. An initial study by Dien et al. [22] examined the role of harvest date on biomass...
CambridgeInternationalExaminations CambridgeInternationalAdvancedSubsidiaryandAdvanced Level CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE CANDIDATE * 4 NUMBER NUMBER 5 4 8 MATHEMATICS 9709/42 2 4 Paper4 Mechanics1 (M1) October/November2017 8 1 1hour15minutes 4 4 CandidatesanswerontheQuestionPaper. * AdditionalMaterials: Listof...
Hugging Face on PyTorch / XLA TPUs /blog/assets/13_pytorch_xla/pytorch_xla_thumbnail.png Hugging Face on PyTorch / XLA TPUs: Faster and cheaper training Published February 9, 2021. Update on GitHub jysohn23 Daniel JinYoung Sohn guest lysandre Lysandre Debut Training Your Favorite Trans...
The MS MARCO models are trained on Bing search engine queries, but since they also perform well on other domains I decided any one of these could be a good choice for this project. All we need for the playlist generator is to find songs that have some semantic similarity, and since...
Probably the most widely used, free tool for small molecules is JSME [13], the JavaScript version of the Java-based molecular builder and editor JME. JSME works on 2D, but a particularly interesting resource called Hack-a-mol (Figure 3D and Table 2) integrates JSME with JSmol and calls ...
We review the emergence of digital weather information, the history of human embodied knowing about weather, and two perspectives on cognition, one of which is symbolic (amodal, abstract, and arbitrary) and the other being embodied (embodied, extended, embedded, and enacted) to address the questi...
You enable IPv4 and IPv6 services on the server and on the computer. The computer has IPv4 network connectivity to the server. However, the computer does not have IPv6 network connectivity to the server. In this scenario, Outlook 2010 cannot sen...
13; // android 浏览器调起类型 // var AndrQQType = 14; // android qq 浏览器 // // ios调起类型从20开始计数 // var IosWeixinType = 20; // ios 微信调起类型 // var IosWeiboType = 21; // ios 微博调起类型 // var IosBaiduBoxType = 22; // ios 百度调起类型 // var Io...