🍽️ Signature Room at the 95th 📍 芝加哥必打卡餐厅 位于著名的汉考克大厦(现称360 Chicago)的95层和96层,95层是餐厅,96层是露台。两层通高的全玻璃幕墙,窗外是芝加哥的壮丽景色,无论是城市景观还是河景都令人赞叹。🍤 美食推荐 这家餐厅主打海鲜和美国风味。海鲜头盘非常美味,提供小份和大份,生蚝种类...
🌟 位于芝加哥汉考克大厦95层的Signature Room,以其壮观的美景和精致的美食闻名。无论是阳光明媚的白天还是星光璀璨的夜晚🌃,这里都能提供无与伦比的美景。 🍽️ 餐厅以高档美式西餐为主,提供早午餐和晚餐,价格从US$15到US$150不等。尽管价格不菲,但美景的享受让这里物超所值。 👩💼 值得一提的是...
Bright and lofty, our roomy Suite 95 includes a separate dining area, signature timber furnishings and fresh white linens on a generous king-size bed.
拍个风景照需眼明手快,窗边一对吃完离开下一对没进来时赶紧冲过去咔嚓一下... 海鲜色拉摆盘和口味都不错,餐后的提拉米苏也赞,主菜牛排我只能呵呵了,感觉人造肉,嫩得不真实,完全没有肉类的纹理和纤维口感,恕我没有鉴赏能力了…… The Signature Room at the 95th 332 美国 芝加哥...
The ambitious goal of the latest M&K Sound Architectural In-Wall range has been to counterbalance the inevitable acoustic consequences of reducing internal volume to 20 – 30% of a normal cabinet, while preserving the celebrated neutrality, realism and musicality that are the signature of M&K Sound...
📍 来到芝加哥,千万不要错过坐落在Hancock大厦的Signature Room At The 95th观景餐厅。这里全落地窗的设计,无论你站在哪个位置,都能享受到美到令人窒息的景色!🌇🍽️ 餐厅的食物同样出色,景观一流,可以俯瞰整个芝加哥的壮丽景色。而且,这家餐厅与必打卡景点360 CHICAGO位于同一栋楼,且比它高出一层,来这里吃...
🍽️ 如果你在芝加哥,想要一边享用美食,一边欣赏这座城市的壮丽景色,那么The Signature Room at the 95th®绝对是你的不二之选。这家餐厅位于芝加哥最高的95楼,提供的美食和美景让人流连忘返。🌆 无论是生日、求婚还是周年庆,这里都是绝佳的地点。而如果你只是想静静地享受一杯美酒,餐厅上层的酒吧同样可以满...
We spend months carefully crafting and testing each of our paint colours to make sure they share our signature extraordinary response to light. This beautiful reaction to changing light, like bringing out different undertones or shifting intensity, is what makes our paint so special. The finest ing...
The ambitious goal of the latest M&K Sound Architectural In-Wall range has been to counterbalance the inevitable acoustic consequences of reducing internal volume to 20 – 30% of a normal cabinet, while preserving the celebrated neutrality, realism and musicality that are the signature of M&K Sound...
Discounting all the signature models, you still have to decide between the original GCB-95 model and all the modified models Dunlop has released in recent decades. To give a quick primer, the GCB-95F uses a Fasel inductor and features true bypass; the 95Q is switchless and has a knob ...