Refactor de codigo de Editor (separar en diferentes archivos y módulos) Agregar soporte para ejericicos de respuesta simple (no multiple opción) Soporte para Ctl+Z y Ctl+Shift+Z Exportar a pdf para hacer una prueba escrita Guardar el ejercicio automaticamente por si se cierra la pestaña...
instruction key 3 can be used as an additional selection criteria for instruction key 1 ('Codigo de Ocorrência').SWIFT MT formatsFor the SWIFT MT formats, instruction key 3 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72.JapanInstruction key 3...
instruction key 3 can be used as an additional selection criteria for instruction key 1 ('Codigo de Ocorrência').SWIFT MT formatsFor the SWIFT MT formats, instruction key 3 is converted into a code that is entered in field 72.JapanInstructio...