The Doomsday clock remained set at 90 seconds to midnight in its newest update Tuesday morning — the latest iteration of a decades-old international symbol meant to illustrate how close humanity is to reaching "global catastrophe" as of January 2024. This year's figurative clock reading w...
末日时钟旨在衡量人类文明距离灭绝有多远。今年的《原子科学家公报》将 AI 添加到对人类构成存在性威胁的名单之中,但并没有因此拨快时钟,可能是因为 AI 尚未先进的真的会威胁到人类。 您的赞赏是对我们的鼓励,...
For three years, the hands of the world's Doomsday clock were set at 100 seconds to midnight. But now, as Ukraine approaches a year of war, the climate crisis continues and other actions threaten humanity, the world has officially crept even closer to what the Bulletin of the Atomic ...
On Tuesday, the clock was set at 90 seconds until midnight — the closest to the hour it has ever been, according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which created the clock in 1947. Midnight represents the moment at which we will have made Earth uninhabitable for humanity.原文翻译 ...
The Doomsday Clock has been ticking for 76 years. But it’s no ordinary clock. It attempts to gauge how close humanity is to destroying the world. On Tuesday, the clock was set at 90 seconds until midnight — the closest to the hour it has ever been, according to the Bulletin of the...
On Tuesday, the clock was set at 90 seconds until midnight — the closest to the hour it has ever been, according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which created the clock in 1947. Midnight represents the moment at which we will have made Earth uninhabitable for humanity. ...
As of now, the Clock stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it’s been in its 76-year history. If you’re not familiar with the Doomsday Clock, it probably sounds like some sort of conspiracy theory or modern myth, like when we thought the world would end...
On Tuesday, the clock was set at 90 seconds until midnight — the closest to the hour it has ever been, according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which created the clock in 1947. Midnight represents the moment at which we will have made Earth uninhabitable for humanity. ...
PRESS RELEASE: Doomsday Clock set at 90 seconds to midnight(Bulletin of the Atomic Scientistsのウェブサイト) Doomsday Clock Timeline(過去の「終末時計」の推移、同誌ウェブサイト) 「終末時計」2023年版を公表した記者会見の動画はYouTubeで公開されている。 recent years, in season(适时), in seconds(在很短的时间) some cases(有时候), in spring, in the afternoon the beginning, in the daytime, in the end the evening, in the future, in the long run(最后)...