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Elbow 90 Deg Sr, Smls, ASME B16.28, Find Details and Price about Elbows Sr. 45 ° 90° 180° Reducing Elbows from Elbow 90 Deg Sr, Smls, ASME B16.28 - Zhejiang Xindeda Special Pipe Industry Co., Ltd.
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Elbow 90° DN15 600 20.90 43.5 31 30 DN20 340 32.45 43.5 31 30 DN25 190 57.20 43.5 31 30 DN32 130 108.90 43.5 31 30 DN40 75 182.60 43.5 31 30 DN50 54 317.90 48.5 36 32 DN65 48 515.90 53 38 38 DN80 22 803.00 44 44 31 DN100 16 1171.50 53 38 35.5 ...
manufacturer of ASME B16.9 elbow, Supplier of Buttweld 90 Degree and 45 Deg Long Radius Elbow at best price in India. Check ANSI 16.9 Buttweld 180 Deg Elbow Dimensions and Buttweld Elbow Weight.
Elbow, Tee, Socket, Male Adaptor, Female Adaptor, Reducer(Bush), Reducing Ring, Elbow Brass Insert, Tee Brass Insert, Step Over Bend, Union, Pipe Clip, Stop Valve, 45 DEG Elbow, End Cap Features: 1) Good chemicals and drugs resistance ...
ELBOW 90DEG SR BWE BLK CS ASTM A234 GR. WPB ANSI B16.9 90度短半径弯头,材质为:ASTM A234 GR. WPB,标准为:NSI B16.9 钢制焊接弯头、长度、壁厚表-河北中燃管道有限公司专业生产:弯头、三通、异径管、法兰、盲板、管帽、封头等管道配件 公称通径 端部外径 中心至端面 中心至中心 背面至端面 Nominal Dia...
90DEG LR ELBOW 美标外贸出口弯头 价格:280.00元/件 最小采购量:不限 主营产品:法兰 弯头 三通 异径管 钢管 等 供应商:铭久管业有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:刘娜娜 联系电话 点此询价 QQ咨询 买家还在看 广西化工设备厂家供应化工厚壁弯头 弯头 ......
Des.: 90Deg Street Elbow (M/F) Material : UPVC Standard : ASTM-D-2665 FOR : DWV (drainage) Colour: WHITE (as per your request ) Certificate : NSF Our Website : liutong.en.made-in-china.com Factory name : ZHEJIANG LIUTONG PLASTIC CO.,LTD Add.: No.6,Gong...
本公司生产销售弯头 弯头,提供弯头专业参数,弯头价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.弯头 弯头 品牌瑞屹|产地河北|价格85.00元|型号DN80|材质310S|重量0.4|直径89|产品规格DN80|执行标准ASME B16.9|管厚5.5|壁厚5.5|等级一级河北弯头;瑞屹弯头;河北瑞屹弯头;河北弯