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mer形成的.所以基因组k-mer频谱产生的原因仍待研究.论文运用统计分析和生物信息学等方法,结合人类k-mer频谱的分布规律,研究了酵母基因组序列k-mer频谱的规律,探讨了 CG类8-mer子集的独立进化机制,对CG类模体的生物学功能给出理论猜测和验证.主要研究内容如下:(1)计算得到人类1号染色体序列的8-mer相对模体数随...
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The multimer formation was also dependent on the same subset of the RecF pathway genes as in the instability phenomenon. These results strongly suggest that the lethality is somehow caused by the multimer formation. Various DNase treatments of cell lysates showed that such multimers of pMB9 DNA...
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The present work aims at adducing further proof of the neurotrophic effect of β amyloid (Aβ) precursor protein(APP) 319~335(APP17 mer peptide), through studying the effect of APP17 mer peptide on the neurotoxicity of Aβ, and thereby providing scientific evidence for the pathogenesis of ...
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Oligo, Restriction Site, EcoRI (8mer) | 基本信息 更多信息 中文名称: 中文同义词: 英文名称: Oligo, Restriction Site, EcoRI (8mer) 英文同义词: Oligo, Restriction Site, EcoRI (8mer) CAS号: 分子式: 分子量: 0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 您的Email: ...