8D报告(中英文)XXX铜业有限公司 8D报告 主题(Subject)发生地点(OccurredSite)(CAreportin8Dformat)投诉类型(Rea ForCA)发生时间(OccurredTime)总批量数(OccurredQty)客户(Customer)产品编号(PartNumber)供应厂商(Supplier)产品名称(PartName)1、小组成员(Discipline1.TeamMembers)部门(Dept):QA 生产 姓名(Name):...
8D报告格式(中英文对照)KONGTOP 主题(Subject)发生地点(Occurred Site)客户(Customer)供应厂商(Supplier)发生时间(OccurredTime)产品编号(PartNumber)产品名称(PartName)8D报告 (CAreportin8Dformat)投诉类型(ReaForCA)总批量数(OccurredQty)检验数(QtvIns)不良数(QtvRei)文件投诉 提出日(DateRaised)提出人员(...
> 社会学 > 8D_8D_Report_Format 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 47阅读文档大小:380.5K4页martin_liu上传于2012-05-16格式:XLS ASTM_D4060-95-中文 热度: CODECO D95B - CMA CGM 热度: C8 is-95系统 热度: 5CHA1M09C 8DReport(CAR) Doc.No.:XYZ/QA/01 ...
8D报告格式(中英文对照).doc,8D报告 KONGTOP (CA report in 8D format) 主题 (Subject) 投诉类型 (Rea For CA) 文件投诉 发生地点 (Occurred Site) 发生时间 (Occurred Time) 总批量数 (Occurred Qty) 提出日 (Date Raised) 客户 产品编号 检验数 提出人员 (Customer)
1、第 1 页8D报告(CA report in 8D format)主题 (Subject)投诉类型 (Rea For CA)文件投诉发生地点(OccurredSite)发生时间 (Occurred Time)总批量数 (Occurred Qty)提出日 (Date Raised)客户 (Customer)产品编号 (Part Number)检验数 ( Qtv Ins)提出人员 (Raised by)供应厂商 (Supplier)产品名称 (Part Name...
8D Report Format: A Comprehensive Guide 8D report format is a systematic problem-solving method that is used to address various issues in a manufacturing or service environment. The process involves eight steps that are aimed at identifying, correcting, and preventing defects. In this article, we...
8D_Report_Format(English)8D Type: Customer Internal Markthe Classification of the failure (critical,major, ...) Supplier EHS Other Internal number of 8D Severity: Critical Major The report must be closed by: supplier RMA # from Customer or own Champion:responsible for execution of CAR Leader:...
8D Report for ford 热度: 8d报告-8d报告 热度: 5CHA1M09C 8DReport(CAR) Doc.No.: Rev.No.: Eff.Date: Sourceofproblem: Fresh/Repetitive:Fresh PartNo.&Description:F2209000/CombinationSwitchComplaintNo:16/2009-10 Category:(Severity) WhenObserved25-11-09 ...
Problem Solving – 8D Report 標題: MS 测试 Fail 機種: LCM 產品-類型: M/B 客戶:Lenovo Version: 2.0 組建團隊 – 組建一支跨越組織各功能區域的臨時團隊,其 Team Leader具有組織能力強,善溝通,善於邏D1 輯思考,有判斷力且善于決策.而成員則需熟悉產品規格,生產技術,流程,具有相當的專業知識,需以...
. Immediate Containment Actions)暂时补救的纠正措施(Immediate Containment Actions)4、明确和核实根本原因(Discipline 4.Define and Verify Root Causes)5、永久性纠正措施(Discipline 5. Permanent Corrective Actions)1、小组成员(Discipline 1.Team Members)QA 生产 工程 业务XXX铜业有限公司(CA report in 8D format...